Fake Jack Atlas

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Fake Jack Atlas
  • "male" is not in the list (Male, Female, Unknown, None) of allowed values for the "Gender" property.male
DeckRed Archfiend
Atlas, Jack, Fake

A Duelbot disguised as insane Jack Atlas replica, who appears and causes havoc to frame his namesake.


Jack was arrested by Sector Security, suspected for a streak of destruction in New Domino, running Duel Runners off the road and injuring their riders.

It is later revealed that it was the work of an imposter and Jack rushes to find them. When he locates the imposter, "Enemy" Jack tries to run him off the road, before challenging him to a Turbo Duel.

As the duel is about to commence, an Infinity symbol appears, with Jack wondering what is causing the light surrounding them.

During the duel, the imposter constantly taunted Jack, by repetitively referring to himself as "King", much to Jack's shock and disgust. The imposter defeats him easily and runs Jack off the highway and into the sea, using the real damage caused by "Red Dragon Archfiend".

Yusei and Crow arrive on the scene and the imposter distracts them with "Red Dragon Archfiend" to escape. Yusei and Crow believe Jack has gone mad.

The imposter was later pursued by Kazama, Yusei and Crow and rammed their Duel Runners while taunting at them just before the real Jack Atlas reappears for a rematch.

The beginning of the duel favors the real Jack, as he is able to not only destroy the robot's copy of "Red Dragon Archfiend", but also inflict major damage to its Life Points. However, the imposter makes a comeback in trying to winning the duel by summoning 2 more copies of "Red Dragon Archfiend".

Both copies, along with the third one he had Special Summoned from the Graveyard, are able to decrease Jack's Life Points dramatically. The imposter tells Jack that he won't be able to win, given that he's not the same man as before.

Fake Jack Atlas is revealed to be a Duelbot upon defeat

However, Jack disproves this with the power of his friends and the Crimson Dragon. He summons "Majestic Red Dragon" and wins the Duel. At the end, the overwhelming attack destroys the robot and its Deck completely.

Non-canon appearances

Tag Force 5

In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5, during a duel, the animation mannerisms of imposter Jack are identical to that of the mannerisms of the real Jack Atlas from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4. This is most likley due to the fact that imposter Jack claims to be the Jack from the past.



Opponent Outcome
Jack Atlas Win
Jack Atlas Lose

The imposter uses the same Deck as the real Jack. The only difference is that he possesses 3 copies of "Red Dragon Archfiend" instead of 1, each with a different color scheme (purple, yellow and blue) rather than the usual red one. His Deck was apparently a copy of Jack's created by Lester.

Tag Force 5