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Lester, known as Lucciano in the Japanese version, is one of the Three Emperors of Yliaster, and one of the three primary antagonists in the World Racing Grand Prix arc of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. As a member and leader of Yliaster, he wields one of the deadly Machine Emperors to help further Yliaster's goal of changing the future through the Infinity Circuit.

Lester is ambidextrous; however, he preferences his left-hand over his right hand, so he is considered one of Yu-Gi-Oh's few left-handed duelists, along with Placido, Bruno, Paradox and Jose.


Lester is a young boy about the age of Leo and Luna. He is skinny, has green eyes, pale, and while short, he is tall for the age group he is portrayed as being. He has waist-length, dark red hair, keeping it pulled back by wrapping end in a black cloth. Qualities that he shares with the other two emperors is that he wears primarily white and has a white hood. In addition, he has a gray patch (his covers his left eye), and a blue gem in the middle of his forehead. Unique to Lester though is in addition to white, he wears blue and green colors, most notably blue in-line skates as oppose to shoes or boots. His most unique attribute to his appearance though is a bar that floats around him at his shoulder height, which he uses as a duel disk and can connect to the metal collar he wears through the infinity symbol on the front when he activates it or to a disk he can attach to his right arm. Most of the time, Lester wears a white cloak over his Duel Disk when he is not using it.

The only time Lester's appearance has significantly changed was when he went undercover at Duel Academia. Other than donning a Duel Academia uniform instead of his Yliaster wardrobe, he also took his patch off his left eye, hid the blue gem on his forehead, and instead pulled his hair back in one long braid.


Lester is mischievous and likes stirring up and thriving in chaos. Excitable and constantly amused by most situations that should be taken serious, Lester is a child that acts with childish traits. However, his childishness can go a little too far as he is smug and considers himself above humanity similar to the other emperors. He believes being chosen by God is a serious responsibility and one given to Yliaster because of humanity's inability to grasp the bigger picture beyond the individual's personal life.

He holds an arrogent self-view, striding to be in control of a situations, resulting in his actions and dueling with the intent of controlling the opposing's actions keeping the upper hand. The only person that appears to be able to keep Lester's attitude in check is José, who is intimidating to Lester. However, while Lester follows José's commands, he is not afraid to bend the rules for his amusement or sneak his own interests in, especially when he is clear of the consequences. Most notably, his attitude towards Placido's plan to force the Infinity Circuit is that of amusement, more distinctly, apathy. He doesn't care one way or the other so long as the end goal of completing the Circuit is fulfilled.

Underneath his childish and conceited attitude though is a violent temper. When control of a situation is pulled from him, even if not completely, Lester becomes ruthless, sadistic, loud, and willing to put aside any other intentions to obliterate whoever got in his way or whatever went wrong.

World Riding Grand Prix

The First Appearance

The Three Emperors arrive at Wisel's crash site.

Lester first appeared alongside José and Placido at the crash site of a Wisel's tablet, and was disappointed that it belonged to Placido. Lazar arrived with other Sector Security Officers and questioned their reason for being at the crash site. When Placido reacted by pointing his sword Lazar, Lester explained to Lazar that starting that day, they were the new directors of Sector Security. Lazar, realizing his error, apologized and obliged to their commands to move the tablet.

Lester next appeared at the WRGP in a back room along with José and Placido. Lester sat on the couch, mocking the participants of the WRGP because they didn't know that were being used for Yliaster's plans. He however stayed out of the tension developing José and Placido on how to complete the Infinity Circuit, and watched quietly as Dobocle crashed the dinner party, and when Placido chased down Dobocle to punish him after evading Sector Security's pursuit.

Later, as Placido returned from his assault on Dobocle, Lester noticed that a Turbo Duel on the monitor. It was Yusei versus an unknown Turbo Duelist. he watched the duel with José and Placido, and was intrigued when a blinding light cut the feed to the duel, and none of them witnessed the Accel Synchro Summon. He was not curious about the matter though because when the turbo duelist threw the match, Lester called the match just a waste of time. But José corrected Lester, pointing out the duel had completed a circuit on the Infinity Circuit, and the result had opened up a new possibility for humanity.

Gaining the Enemy's Trust

Sometime after the opening dinner for the WRGP, the Three Emperors of Yliaster observed Yusei turbo dueling Akiza. Lester thought the duel was lame though because despite being a duel between two Signers, the Infinity Circuit was not activating. José concluded that there wasn't enough power, but was still confident that the WRGP and the Signers would complete the Circuit. Placido though interjected that the Crimson Dragon could still muddling there plans, suggesting that he defeat Yusei and steal his Stardust Dragon, which would prevent the Crimson Dragon from interfering. Lester found the idea to be funny, snickering at the thought of Placido beating Yusei, pointing out that he couldn't defeat Yusei a first time. Placido started to get offended, but then Lester sensed the arrival of his tablet. He was excited out of disbelief, adding that he knew that Placido wasn't enough to complete the job on his own, which offended Placido. But Lester's tablet crashed into a mountain just outside of New Domino City, destroying the peak and leaving a crater in its place. Yliaster and Sector Security blocked the crash site and retrieved the tablet.

File:Luciano-Duel Academy.jpg
Lester, after being enrolled at Duel Academy

. Within a short time, Lester transferred to Duel Academy. Introduced by Maria, Lester wowed the classroom with a charm, smooth walk, and having an air of upper class in his appearance. After entering the room, he gave a smile in Luna's direction that made her blush, but his charm made Leo jealous and unimpressed. Maria continued to explained over the awe of her students that Lester was a great duelist as well because Lester had won the Juvenile Grand Prix at Duel Academy East Branch, his former school. Bob pointed out that it was even hard to enter that tournament. Patty is awed, and Maria suggested that the class ask questions to Lester to help with their studies. The entire class raised their hands to try to get Lester's attention. Luna meanwhile told Leo that she was getting a pleasant vibe from Lester, and Leo was surprised he was serious. Leo thought to himself then that he could care less about Lester's victory in a tournament because he could beat Lester in one shot. However, Leo lost to Lester, who played a combo with Gear Golem the Moving Fortress and Limiter Removal.

The victory wowed the entire class once again, getting cheers from Patty. Bob noted that this was a show of Lester's veteran skill, and showed that Leo and Lester were on two different dueling levels. Lester just called the duel not a big deal. Maria instructed Lester and Luna to switch with Bob and Luna, and as they switched, Luna told Lester that he had done a great job and Lester wished her good luck. Luna thanked him, and as Lester stood on the sidelines watching the match, he mentally urged Luna to show him how a Signer duels.

After the class though, Lester confronted Luna, asking her what happened in that duel, pointing out that with her skills, she shouldn't have needed more than a minute to beat somebody like Bob. Luna embarrassed, tried to speak, but Lester asked her if she was not feeling well. Luna though told him that those were her skills, then says that she was in a hurry and had to go, but she promised they could talk about it next time. (She went to Poppo Time with Leo and praised Lester's dueling skills to Yusei Fudo.)

The following day, Lester was waiting for Luna and Leo. He greeted Luna at the front door and asked to talk to her. Leo commented to Lester that he personally could do without whatever he had to say. Lester asked Luna if she had any free time after school, which Leo immediately answered no. Lester continued explaining to Luna that there was something that he wanted to show her at his house. Luna's confused and asked what, but Lester responded that she would find out when she got there. Leo though got between Luna and Lester and told that he already said that she would not because she had plans. Lester responded that he was trying to talk to Luna, asking him to not cut in. Leo though countered that he and Luna were one in the same, and that if he could not, then she could not either. He walked away with Luna, dragging her as she apologized to Lester. Lester sneered at Leo for interfering. So Lester disguised himself as Maria later that day and approached Leo. He, as Maria, asked Leo if he would be willing to stay after school to do something. Leo agreed, and after thanking him, Lester walked around a corner and changed back to himself.

After school, Lester approached Luna from his limousine, which surprised and impressed Luna. Lester asked her if Leo was with her and then immediately if she wanted to take a ride. Stunned, Luna wondered if she should go, but Lester assured her that they were going to his house so that he could show her. Luna agreed since she did not want all the trouble that Lester had gone through to go to waste. So Lester took her to his house, which was more like a gated palace. Luna was amazed by it, noting that Lester must be rich to have a house like that. Lester responded that is was something like that.

Inside, Lester and Luna were greeted by the butler, Placido. After the greetings, Lester asked Placido to get sweets and tea for the guest, and he complied without delay. While Placido did that, Lester showed Luna his skateboard (and Leo has snuck onto the property by that time as well, so he saw it too). Lester used that skateboard with precision skill, astonishing Leo and impressing Luna. When Lester finished, he handed the skateboard to Luna and told her it was her turn. She was too nervous to try on the fly, but Lester assured her by telling her that he had made specifically for her body type. He told her it was a present and asked her to please take it. She's thankful, but asked him why did he want her to have it. Lester explained that he wanted to duel her using a Duel Board in a serious Turbo Duel. Luna was stunned at the possibility (as was Leo, who was hiding in the bushes), so Lester explained that by using a connection cord, the Duel Disk's Ener-D could be linked to the Duel Board. And after linking the board to the Duel Disk, Lester started teaching her how to use ride the board (and Leo left).

Placido then arrived, carrying refreshments. Lester thanks Placido and then asked him about what happened with his other guest. Placido told him that he believed that he had left on his own. Lester snickered and told Placido that everything was going according. Lester then apologized for making Placido do all the butler stuff, but Placido said that there was not need to apologize; he wanted to see the Signers for himself. Lester chuckled at the comment.

That eveneing, Lester dropped Luna back off at her house in the Tops. She thanked him for the day, and Lester said it was not a problem, adding that he would be waiting for her tomorrow. Luna agrees, and then asks if Leo could come the next day as well. She explained that Leo had been wanting to learn how to Turbo Duel for awhile, and he'd jump at the opportunity to learn. Lester said that it'd alright, telling her that the more, the merrier. He tells her to take care, and she tells him bye, and the limo drives off.

Ambush from the Skiel

The following day, Lester appeared on an arch above Leo and Luna who were practicing with both of their Duel Boards at a Highway construction site, and neither recognized him. Lester leapt off of the arch, and his duel board appeared and attached to his skates. Lester landed and knocked Leo to the ground, telling Luna that she didn't need him; he was only after her. Lester then swung his right arm, which caused a duel disk and the bar that floats around his shoulders to form into a duel disk, which in turn overrode Luna's duel board's controls, forcing Luna to follow him. Luna called out to Leo, who in turn caught up with Luna and Lester. Leo told Lester that he'd be his opponent, and amused at the prospect, Lester accepted both of them as challengers. Lester then activated a real Speed World 2, which caused an infinity symbol to flash on the ground. Luna was nervous because she had never Turbo dueled, but Leo assured her that he would protect her and they could beat him like they beat Devack. A duel lane opened and all three declared the beginning of the duel.

Lester gave the first turn to Luna, who used it to play Bird of Roses, but Lester countered with Absurd Stealer to destroy Rose Bird and inflict real damage onto Luna. The damage almost threw Luna off of the Duel Lane, but Regulus caught her and returned her safely to the ground, which Lester noticed. Continuing though, Lester taunts Luna, asking her if she liked feeling the actual damage, and explained that was going to continue. Leo and Luna were stunned by this, and her Dragon Birthmark activated because of it.

The duel continues and Leo took his turn, declaring that Lester would only be attacking Luna again over his dead body. Rua then tried to counterattack, but that tripped Lester's traps: Exus Summon to summon Sky Core and Torrential Tribute to destroy all monsters on the field. The ensuing combo clears the field and summons Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity and all its parts to the field. Leo's shocked that Lester summoned five monsters, but Lester then combines them all together to form one robot, and that shocks Leo even more. Laughing, Lester thanks him for helping him to summon his best monster, which strikes fear into not only Leo and Luna, but Kuribon and Regulus as well.

Lester continued, stating that if they wanted to surrender, now was the chance. Leo blew off the request though and set a trap card. However, Lester was already prepared and activated Trap Stun. With trap cards negated for the turn, Lester attacked Leo with Skiel. The attack connected and Lester asked Leo how did it feel to be attacked by Machine Emperor Skiel, promising to rough it up next time.

Luna though told Lester that she would not let him hurt Leo like that again. And taking her turn, she summoned Ancient Fairy Dragon, which excited Lester. Luna continued though to use Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect to summon Fairy Archer. Luna used Fairy Archer's effect to shoot Lester with an arrow, inflicting eight hundred points of damage, but after the arrow hit Lester in the back and exploded, Lester rode out of the smoke unphased. Shocked at his reaction, Luna and Leo wondered what was going on, but Lester explained that he was not prone to feel such a trivial amount of pain.

The other Signers arrive on the scene, having tracked down Luna through her birthmark, but they could not do anything besides call out to her. Lester though activates Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity's effect to absorb Ancient Fairy Dragon. Leo and Luna watch in horror as Skiel sends out tendrils that pull Ancient Fairy Dragon into its chest. Lester brags about catching the dragon, and to celebrate he rides up the side of the duel lane and does a jump. Leo recognizes the jump as similar to one that Lester did while at his house, and then as Lester rides by Leo, he sees his face. Leo told Luna, but Lester brushed it off as it was too late for his identity to make any difference.

He thought to himself that he would now make them draw the Infinity Circuit, and then had Skiel gain Ancient Fairy Dragon's attack points. He then tried to finish off Leo by playing Speed Spell - Summon Close to prevent him from special summoning monsters to defend from the attack, but Luna saved Leo with Twinkle Wall, although with a steep cost of most of her life points. Lester just mentally urged Luna to keep taking the blows he aimed at Leo.

Leo took his turn to summon Power Tool Dragon, which got Lester to comment that Leo was hopeless because he Synchro Summoned. Leo though continues with Morphtronic Vacuumen in an attempt to equip Skiel to the monster, but Lester counters with Ghost Convert. Leo was not out of options, as he plays Power Break to return Ancient Fairy Dragon to Luna and burn Lester in the process. Lester was shocked at the move, but Leo explained even though he was not a Signer, Luna was one and he would protect as she was his pride and joy. Lester was quiet for a few seconds, but when he spoke again, he clenched his fist, shouting that he would pound the snot out of them and make them regret ever making him mad.

Lester upgrades his Skiel Attack to 3 and immediately to Skiel Attack 5. Lester immediately used its effect, which allowed it to attack the player directly, to wipe out the rest of Leo's Life Points. The attack threw Leo off of the Duel Lane and plummeting to the gound below, but the Crimson Dragon appeared and prevented Leo from falling from his death, which surprised Lester.

The duel continued, and Lester commented that Leo had narrowly made it out alive, something he'd be sure to not make that mistake with Luna. Luna responded that she would not lose to Lester nor let Leo's will go in vain. So Luna summons Regulus and played Ancient Sunshine in an attempt to whittle Lester's Life Points down to next to nothing, but Lester countered with Infinity Force. With Luna out of options, Lester took his next turn to finish Luna's Life Points. However, the Duel Spirits appeared in an attempt to shield Luna from Skiel's attack, but eventually it breaks through. Before Luna is thrown off the Duel Lane though, Regulus reappeared and prevented her from losing control of her duel board. Lester sneered that his attack failed to finish either twin and rode away.

Following the victory though, Yliaster removed all traces of Lester from the timeline. His mansion was removed and everyone's memory of Lester was wiped., except for the Signers and Leo. It was later revealed that Yliaster had the power to alter the timeline, except those who were protected by divine beings.

The Divided Plan

Tension soon boiled over between José and Placido as Placido blatantly refused to follow José's orders any more. Lester chose to not get involved in the dispute, but that did not stop him from from contributing a smart-alec attitude to the situation when Placido hung up on José. Lester responded to José's anger by pointing out that Placido was just being immature, reminding José that he had that attitude once long ago as well. Lester snickers at the thought of José acting like Placido, but José rebuffs that he'd outgrown that sort of attitude a long time ago. Lester continued by explaining that Placido didn't care about José's plan to use the Signers to activate the Circuit. He explains that since this was Placido they were talking about, Placido was going to obviously try to force the Infinity Circuit to activate. José realized that was why Placido built the Riding Roid Army, but he asked Lester how did Placido know that the Signers were developing the program that was stolen. Lester response was taunting José by asking him if now he was curious about Placido's plan. José was taken aback, but Lester continued that no time was being wasted. He explained that sure, their shared goal was to activate the Circuit, but he argued that there was no harm in taking different routes toward that goal since they all would end up in the same place in the end. José though countered Lester, telling him that it was a waste of time to change their plans when they were getting so close to their goals. Lester ignored him, repeating that it didn't matter because it was a matter of preference. He then gloated about the idea that if the Circuit was successful, he might end up like José and Placido because he didn't want to get that old. José just called Lester an impudent brat.

Stealing the King's Identity

The Three Emperors watch the captive Jack while his impostor runs free.

Lester took a key part in the creation and operation of the Imposter Jack Atlas. Lester made the impostor's deck identical to Jack Atlas's real deck, except with the modification of having three Red Dragon Archfiends instead of one. Lester though had difficulty forging the deck, and as a result, refused to take any other part in the scheme after he finished the deck. He watched the impostor duel Jack twice, and after the Impostor was destroyed, and its deck obliterated. Lester, along with Placido, were disappointed that the Impostor Jack went to waste, but when a circuit activated on the Infinity Circuit, Lester was overjoyed at the changed outcome to the events.

The Game is Afoot

Following Yusei's return from Crashtown, Sherry LeBlanc and Mizoguchi attacked the Sector Security building in hopes of analyzing Z-One for a lead to Yliaster. When the building was locked down, the break-in was brought to Yliaster's attention. Lester found the mischief at the Security to be amusing, and then found it even funnier when he realized that as the directors of Security, it was their job to fix the problem. Placido blamed Lazar, but José ignored the situation and declared that they were too busy to deal with the situation. Unbeknownst to all three of them though, Yusei Fudo, Sherry, and Bruno met ZONE through the attempt to scan Z-One.

After the attack on Sector Security, the Three Emepror's of Yliaster continued to watch from their thrones, observing the opening day of the WRGP, including Team 5D's opening match against Team Unicorn. At the beginning of the day, Lester declared that the opening matching would determine how well José's plan truly was. As the matches continued, he admired all the circuits that were produced on the Infinity Circuit, and José was confident that his plan would change the future soon enough.

On the Sidelines of a Catastrophe

When Lester got wind of Team Catastrophe's tactics, he began to suspect that Placido was involved. When Team 5D's took on Team Catastrophe, Lester found Placido watching the match from the roof, confirming his suspicions. Placido was at first apprehensive with Lester's appearance, but Lester just told Placido that he was not responsible for Placido's actions or for José chewing out Placido later. Placido responds that the geezer's dragging his feet with the WRGP, so he's going to do it that way. With a snicker, Lester wished Placido luck and watched the match with him.

Laughing when Crow Hogan dodged Hidden Knight -Hook-'s attack from the shadow, Lester found Crow's struggle with the Card of Darkness to be sadistically entertaining. However, once Crow defeated the Hidden Knight for once and for all with the effect of Gravity Breakdown, Lester told Placido that it looked like his plan was a wash. Placido just watched silently though as Hermann switched with Nicolas, who was armed with another Card of Darkness. So Nicolas used his card immediately, Doom's Ray, to attempt to force Jack Atlas to crash. However, Jack Atlas was protected from the effects of Doom's Ray with Power Giant's effect, while Placido had let Team Catastrophe's protection against their cards expire. Lester witnessed Jack save Nicolas from his wreck and Team 5D's be declared as finalist for the WRGP. Lester was amused, declaring Placido's plan a definite bust. He asked Placido if he wondered why his plans always failed, but when Lester didn't get a response, he turned around and discovered that Placido had long left the stadium.

Witnessing the Attack of God's Will against God's Will

Lester quickly figured out that Placido had left the Duel Stadium to enact his master plan of forcing the Infinity Circuit with his Riding Roids. So Lester immediately returned to his throne to see José's reaction when he found out. Lester though teleported back though early, so that he could also toy with José as well. Laughing as he teleported back to his seat, Lester complimented that the Circuit was completing itself bit by bit, but then pointed out that relying on Turbo Duelists was sure a drag. José replied that they needed to harness the power of Ener-D in order to complete the Circuit, and in other words, they needed Turbo Duelists, and humanity hadn't realized the potential of Ener-D yet. So once the Circuit was complete, only then would God's Shrine appear. Lester though commented on that by pointing that the Circuit, or whatever anybody wanted to call it, was just so huge... about as big as New Domino City, concluding with a tone of amusement that when the castle showed up, it'd destroy the entire city. José called it a trivial sacrifice to save the future, but then their conversation was halted by the Riding Roid Army alert.

José was surprised, demanding to know what was going on. Lester took the opportunity to stand atop his throne and declare that those were the Diablos that Placido had set free, and there sure were a heck of a lot of them. José realizes exactly what they were, asking what were they doing, and as Lester slammed his seat back down into his throne, he told José that it looked like Placido had gotten fed up with waiting, so he sent out his troops. Lester started literally rolling in his chair laughing, declaring the invasion to be such a beautiful sight, a view that José did not agree with.

When José contacted Placido directly to try to talk him out of his invasion, Lester supported José, but not in a helpful way. As José tried to reason with Placido, Lester butted in and added that Yusei was already interfering with Placido's plan, and reminded Placido that the last time that Yusei interfered, Placido lost to him. So Lester concluded that right there was good enough reason to listen to José. Placido though was enraged by Lester's comment, disconnected the link, and sent his entire Riding Roid Army to crush Yusei all at once.

As the fight continued, Lester stopped finding Placido's invasion to be funny when a stone tablet fell from outer space and crashed outside the city, but it did not belong to José; it belonged to Yusei. This infuriated Lester in particular because the tablets were their means to build a better future. It was an impossibility. José began to ponder if that meant that Yusei had met God as well. This infuriated Lester even more because this raised an even larger question of whether Yusei was like the three of them, declaring to be impossible as well.

Yusei claimed the monster from the tablet and returned to New Domino City to take on Placido. José and Lester both tried to stop Placido from accepting the challenge. Placido was at first apprehensive to José telling him to stop because Yusei had a new power, but Lester clarified that Yusei had gotten a tablet. However, when José told Placido to return because there was no guarantee that he could win, Placido was infuriated at the idea that his fellow emperors did not believe that he could defeat Yusei on his own. In his rage, Placido cut the transmission and then used his sword to fuse himself with his Terrible Omen.

Lester continued to protest the possibility that Yusei could have received a tablet from God, but Jose silenced Lester's protest by telling him that the fight between Yusei and Placido had been willed by their God. So Lester continued to watch the duel between Yusei and Placido quietly until Placido played Skiel Carrier 3 and 5. Surprised, Lester checked his deck and cursed at Placido for stealing cards from his deck without permission.

The duel continued on, and Yusei was eventually able to Accel Synchro Summon Shooting Star Dragon. Lester wondered how they should handle this since Shooting Star Dragon was beyond their limits, but José warned that the future predicted by God was getting away from them, and power of humanity was catching up to them, so they needed to be careful. Lester noted moments later, realizing that Placido had lost, that Placido had made great strides in completing the Infinity Circuit, but José commented that they would need more power from the Signers to complete the entire Circuit. Then they witnessed Yusei tear Placido apart with Shooting Star Dragon.

Revelations to Build a Better Future

With Placido defeated, Lester appeared alongside José to retrieve his broken body. When José lifted Placido's body off of the highway and onto the monument where they stood, Lester took possession of Placido's sword as José talked to Yusei. Yusei though immediately recognized Lester from when he dueled Luna and Leo. Lester pointed out though that he was just testing them back then, but Placido went through all that trouble to steal Yusei's program and raise the Riding Roid Army only to have it be a waste of time. Lester finds it amusing, especially since Placido was left tattered in the end. Yusei though puts it together that Yliaster had stolen the program, and Lester confirms it, explaining that Vice Director Lazar had stolen it, but when he felt in danger, he beat it somewhere and haven't heard from him since. But Lester contends that even if Yusei managed to stop Placido's work it wouldn't be enough to stop Yliaster altogether, no matter how many lives the contender may have.

Lester then turns his attention to the unconscious Placido, pulling his deck from his arm. Lester calls Placido names, demanding his deck back, but takes his entire deck since it's not like Placido would be moving anytime soon anyway. Lester then notices Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, and an unidentified duelist drive up next to Yusei, and they realize that Lester and José are Yliaster members. So after José appreciated the irony of meeting Team 5D's at the monument, he introduced himself as the leader of Yliaster. When Lester heard this, he protested José's statement. However, José glared at Lester and gave a grunt, which caused Lester to immediately retract his statement in an instant and introduce himself as the sub leader and Placido as the number one lackie. Now with the introductions out of the way, Yusei asks why were they messing with the city, but Lester brushed the question off by answering that they had no reason to tell them why they did anything. José though did not care what they knew. Lester asked if that was alright, but José pointed out that they couldn't stop what was coming even if they knew about. Realizing that José was right, he concedes to José.

José explains that they are trying to change the future. Jack protests, saying that they can decide their own future, and so Lester acted relieved that the whole matter was pointed out, but then pointed out that the problem with that was that it was too bad that they were too stupid; a response which angered Jack. Lester though snapped back if they were doing just fine, then Yliaster would have never showed up. Crow though asked if that meant that they knew the future, and Lester answered Crow that he did, telling them that the future that they were creating would not be just their own future. Jack was offended, but José supported Lester's point by explaining Yliaster's history of crafting history and influencing the top politics to ensure that history moves on the right track.

As the explanation comes to an end though, Sherry arrives, asking if they were responsible for the death of her parents. When José brushes the question off, Sherry drives up the side of the arch of the monument to attack José. José though catches her Duel Runner and throws it off the monument, which alarms Mizoguchi, who rides up the other side of the arch to run his Duel Runner into José. Lester though takes action by jumping onto José's shoulder wielding Placido's sword. When Mizoguchi jumped from his Duel Runner, Lester leapt off of José to intercept Mizoguchi. Mizoguchi extended his duel disk (which was metal), so Lester swung the sword and hit the duel disk. Mizoguchi was surprised that Lester, a child, was able to hold off the attack as Lester declared that no attack tactics would work against them, and then did a flip kick to knock Mizoguchi to the ground.

Lester, brandishing Placido's sword, stood between Mizoguchi and José as José used the attack to explain why humanity was doomed on their own, and that Ener-D was going to lead to an inevitable future despite their failed attempt with Zero Reverse. So Yliaster had decided to erase New Domino City as a new revision to history. This shocked Team 5D's, but Lester chimed in, saying that believing or not believing José was up to them, adding a personal note to Yusei that his curse had not ended yet; a note that struck a nerve with Yusei.

Sherry declared that she would not let them do that and tried to attack José again, but she failed when José grabbed her by her collar and told her that she was a disgrace to real duelists, which Lester added that they were only interested in real duelists. Sherry though tried to tear off José's arm, but failed when José instead threw her off the monument. Mizoguchi jumped off after Sherry and saved her from falling to her death.

Yusei then asked José what he meant by erasing New Domino, but José only told them that they would get the answer in by continuing to participate in the WRGP. José then realized that his tablet had arrived, and when Jack asked about it, Lester pointed straight up, informing them that it was coming straight down from the sky. Team 5D's tried to run, but Lester pointed out it was too late. José then stopped the tablet, extracted Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity and told Team 5D's they would meet again in the WRGP. José gathered up the remains of Placido with his telekineses and told Lester they were leaving. Lester mumbled to himself, wondering if there was still any use for Placido, and then cut open a portal with his sword. Lester told Team 5D's "Bye-Bye" and was the last one through the portal before it shut, leaving no trace of Yliaster behind.

A New and Different Era

Lester and José left Team Five D's alone after the confrontation, but they were eventually contacted by Clark Smith, president of Momentum Express Development Organization (a Yliaster shell company), and informed them that he had shot Yusei Fudo into an unstable wormhole because he knew too many of Yliaster's secrets, likely killing him. José was not pleased because Yusei still had an important role to play. Clark quickly pointed out that Yusei could have survived the unstable wormhole, and Lester chimed in that he hoped that Yusei was not dead yet, and snickered. José though pointed out that if Yusei was still alive, he could escape from where he was, and because of that, it was time for Momentum Express to go extinct. Clark is shocked, but Lester cheers that it's time for the trash known as Momentum Express to be eliminated. Clark begs for mercy, but then Placido voices in that it is too late. Stepping through a portal, Placido reappeared and congratulated Clark on no longer existing.

A time warp then took place, removing Momentum Express Development Organization and Clark from existence, along with knocking Sherry LeBlanc and Mizoguchi from the tournament. After the warp took place, Lester asked Placido how he'd been repaired so fast, but Placido just responded that he would not die until he did Yusei Fudo in. Yliaster then made its international debut as Team New World, the team in the WRGP Top eight favored to win the tournament (and the one that replaced Sherry's team). As a result of becoming Team New World, the Three Emperors of Yliaster forfeited ever being directors of Sector Security, a loophole that Lazar used to fill the position.

So when the WRGP started again, Team New World won their first match with such strength that the MC projected them as the winners of the tournament. Lester spent the rest of the day watching the other quarter-finalists duel and complete circuits, including Team Five D's match against Team Taiyo. Lester was excited by the circuits completed on the Infinity Circuit that day because they completed enough of the circuit to allow the Spiral building to appear in the sky above New Domino City.

The next day, Team New World breezed their semi-final match and secured their position as finalists early in the morning. Following the victory, Lester watched Team Five D's match against Team Ragnarok. During the first duel between Jack Atlas and Dragan, Lester found Jack's struggle against Polar God King Thor so amusing that he laughed and kicked in his throne. He was astounded though, along with Placido, when Jack came back and played a card that none of them recognized: Red Nova Dragon.

The WRGP Final Match

Before the start of the WRGP finals Lester and the other emperors appear before team 5D's and tells them that they are trying to revive their god during the event. The next day the duel starts with Lester dueling against Jack Atlas in the first round. During the duel Lester summons Skiel fairly early in the game and tries to absorb Red Nova Dragon but is stopped by its effect. He's defeated fairly early in the duel as well, but it is revealed that it was all in order to power up the trap Infinite Spirit Machine in order to help Jose, while he had his duel.


Lester has his own set of unique powers like the other emperors. His most notable power is his ability to forge, such as crafting Imposter Jack Atlas's deck with three Red Dragon Archfiends. But his power of forgery is not just limited to cards, as he can change his own shape to assume the identity of somebody else, as when he impersonated Maria. The limits of this power are ambiguous and yet to be shown, but the power is not perfect, as each false Red Dragon Archfiend he created were discolored from the proper red color of Jack Atlas's true copy.

Other abilities Lester demonstrated includes the power to teleport himself. Unlike Placido, Lester does not have to use another object to make portals to teleport. Lester can also make duels inflict real damage by having a white infinity symbol appear at the start of the duel.

Unlike Placido and Jose, who can fuse with their Duel Runners, Lester has not been shown to fuse with his Duel Board. It is unknown if he can. If not, this makes him the only one of the three emperors to not have this ability.


  • The bar he wears at shoulder length is simmilar to the wings of Flandre Scarlet, a character form the game "Embodiment Of Scarlet Devil"
  • His personality and portrayal seems to be somewhat like that of Weavel Underwood form the second series


Lester plays an Infinity Deck. Like Placido's deck, it focuses on summoning Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity using multiple monster pieces.

Opponent Outcome
Leo and Luna Win
Jack Atlas Lose (On Purpose)
Opponent Outcome
Leo Win

Video Games

Tag Force 5