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==Other appearances==
==Other appearances==
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Luke manga.png | [[Tatsuhisa Kamijo (manga)]]

Revision as of 20:56, 1 September 2023

Lucidien Kallister
Lucidien Kallister
  • Lucidien Kallister
Japanese translated
  • Tatsuhisa Kamijo
  • Luke (ルーク Rūku)
  • The Lukeman
Japaneseかみじょう たつひさ
Base上城 龍久
Furiganaかみじょう たつひさ
RōmajiKamijō Tatsuhisa
  • Male
Favorite foodCurry rice[3]
  • Career
  • Education
  • Duelist
Tournament Position
Dark Rush Duel Tournament No Result
Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal Winner (with Romin Kassidy and Gavin Sogetsu) and King of Duels
Anime debutYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0011: "Ready for the Rush!"
Appears in
Voice actors
Kallister, Lucidien

Lucidien Kallister, known as Tatsuhisa Kamijo (かみじょう たつひさ Kamijō Tatsuhisa) in the Japanese version, and nicknamed Luke (ルーク Rūku) in both versions, is one of the seven main characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. He is one of Yuga Ohdo's best friends and rivals, and schoolmate from the next class over, and the self-proclaimed number one Duelist at Goha #7 Elementary. He first encounters Yuga while investigating how to become the King of Duels.[2]



Full-body view of Luke in his normal clothes and as "Director Luke".

Luke is a tall young boy with teal hair in a gear shape with three sideswept bangs at the front and red eyes. He dresses in a rougher fashion than most other characters in the series; he wears a dark brown shirt with a red pattern of a gear on a spoke, beige pants with a black belt, and black high-top sneakers with blue soles and straps. He accessorizes with a collar around his neck similar to that of Yuya Sakaki, a black wristband on his right wrist and a blue strap and a red band around his left, and a chain hanging from his right pocket. Luke also wears a metallic brown wristwatch over the red band on his left wrist with "GOHA" emblazoned on it in red letters and a hexagonal face. He removes his watch when he Duels to make room to strap on his Duel Disk. While serving as Rino's attendant for his Duel with Sogetsu Style, Luke briefly wears a kuruko veil. When he becomes the King of Duels Luke also wins white jeans, a gold paper crown and a guitar; he wears all of these in addition to small round sunglasses while ordering people around, but abandons them after having his ego checked, though he briefly dons them again while reassuring Romin Kassidy they'll easily defeat the Goha Six with him on their side. As "Director Luke" he also dons a blue waistcoat, large sunglasses, and a black gatsby hat.

Luke as a young boy.

As a younger child Luke wore more normal clothes; a blue and white striped shirt, large grey shorts and white socks and blue shoes. In the past, Luke used various disguises to enter adult Duel Centers, including grey hats, thick brown jackets, and false moustaches. When he coaches his fellow Rush Duel Club members he wears yellow pants and a coaches' jacket with a red trim on the shoulders, sunglasses and a cane. After being transferred to Goha #6 Elementary, Luke wears their uniform; a largely blue tracksuit with a white trim and the character for "6" emblazoned on the back in red. While laboring at the Abandoned Dorm he also wears a white hard-hat and gloves, a white scarf hanging around his neck, and black boots. During his Duel with Yujin Goha, Luke wears black beach shorts and a blue hoodie with a white lining that he removes to swim out to Duel Yujin. During the tryouts for the Goha Monsters, Luke wears a white baseball uniform with a long-sleeved green undershirt and green socks with white shin-guards and a white cap. As a Goha Enterprises employee, Luke wears the uniform worn by the rank-and-file employees; a sleeveless grey knee-length jacket with the Goha Enterprises logo over his heart, a short-sleeved blue collared shirt over along-sleeved charcoal one, charcoal pants, black shoes and a black belt with a Goha Enterprises logo for the buckle.

Full-body view of Luke as "The Lukeman".

As The Lukeman he wears a draconic helmet with a charcoal shell and a red visor, though the helmet features ornamental eyes. It also has shaggy ash white hair and a tattered blue scarf. The helmet is later revealed to be a Goha Enterprises Drone akin to the President Drone. As "The Lukeman's Ultimate Form" he wears a grey and black draconic costume with area of white that begin on his chest and continue down the inside of his legs that have clawed feet and gauntlets that can be retracted to Duel without them getting in his way. The chest of the costume is patterned with a similar draconic face as his helmet.


According to his voice actor, Luke is hot-blooded, but generally a good person.[8] Roa Kassidy also describes Luke as straightforward and trusting, though this assessment is not entirely accurate. Luke is extremely self-confident, given his proclamation of himself as the strongest Duelist at Goha #7 Elementary. He has a comedic trait of causing machines to break down around him; he claims that this is due to his soul being possessed by the devil.[1][2] Luke has a habit of gravitating towards whatever he thinks is cool. To this end, he often tries to project a cool and aloof persona, but he gets flustered easily whenever this persona is challenged or he faces something unexpected that disrupts his behaving this way.[8] His older sister Tiger in particular terrifies him to the point of hiding behind people in her presence and when confronted over his arrogance by Roa he is quickly reduced to a cowering mess after some choice insults by Roa.[4][9]

As a part of this cool persona, Luke tends to act dramatic, with long and complicated Summon chants and attack names, and often assumes that matters are more complicated than they are: attributing his ability to disable technology to a demon and believing that Yuga let him win their Rush Duel to teach him what he wanted to accomplish with them, while later believing Buff Grimes kidnapped him to make him a Dueling Superhuman rather than doing so by mistake when he was simply after revenge.[5][10] As a result he is particularly scared by Toombs's ghost stories during their Duel.[11] Despite his suspicions of Romin Kassidy, when Yuga invites her over to his Road Laboratory, he quickly congratulates Yuga and is mortified when he is the only one to not bring her a gift before the RoaRomin concert she invites them to later.[11][12] His dramatism is heightened while he is controlled by The Lukeman, often repeating statements twice and proclaiming his strength.[13]

Luke can be quite perceptive, noting when Romin was spying on them and her unusual levels of knowledge of Dueling despite her denial in it, and later noticing Saburamen worrying during his Duel with Celestia Noodlina, though these events would seem to be the exceptions that prove the rule.[14][15] Later interactions with Luke show him missing the subtleties of Yuga's plans both due to his assumption that things are more than they seem and a tendency for general obliviousness. Luke is initially cautious regarding Rush Dueling, as he does not want Goha Enterprises to discover it, but he later comes to accept Yuga's wish to spread Rush Dueling across the world for people to enjoy. Despite this, he is still paranoid that Goha Corp are watching them (and justly so) and he is quick to suspect that both Romin and Mimi Imimi are spying for them.[12] Showcasing his resolve to stand by Yuga's desires for Rush Dueling, Luke fiercely defends Rush Dueling whenever it is insulted, even dismissing insults towards himself and briefly overcoming his fear of his sister when he believes she has insulted Yuga.[4][16] He even volunteers to entrust his Duel ID card to Yuga for a Maximum Monster, despite the fact that this would put an end to his dream to become the King of Duels, and he admits that he wants to see what lies beyond Yuga's road.[17]

Luke has long been aware of the expectation he will assume control over Kallister Gears and developed a fierce dislike for gears and the notion of being a "cog" in society.[6] As he still desires power, he has a tendency to make outlandish and ambitious schemes, though these are initially ignored by his friends. He somewhat comically asks if Yuga is sure he wants to relinquish the title of King of Duels, but seizes on the opportunity immediately.[10][18] He believes himself to be the most important individual among his group of friends; this trait is generally played for comedic purposes and disregarded by his friends, and comes to believe Buff Grimes went down the wrong path due to his actions.[5][16] Additionally, Luke has been shown to be very arrogant and completely unrestrained in flaunting any leverage or degree of importance he may hold. When he became vice-president of the Student Council while Gavin was absent, Luke unilaterally abused his power by forcing the alumni to paint buildings blue as a nod to his ace monster while he sat on a throne watching. After becoming the King of Duels, he stopped any Duelist he found in school and demanded that they called his name while stating that he was King. In both instances it took the intervention of Tiger to stop his mischief.[19][20] After he joins Yuo and becomes a Goha President, Luke revels in his new power and takes great pleasure in calling himself "President Luke", and his narrow success in defeating Roa due to three lucky draws has him arrogantly proclaim the god of Duels is watching over him.[9] Luke later admits he knows he isn't really one of the Goha Six, but desires to prove he has grown up.[6]

Despite his dramatic speeches, Luke has some difficulty with English words; when he casts himself as a foil to Yuga, he refers to it as opening a new "daor" for himself due to simply inverting the characters of the katakana for the word "road". As Romin has noted, despite Luke's desire to become the King of Duels, he hasn't even considered what he would do once he becomes the King.[21] Once Yuga himself accepts the challenge of becoming the King of Duels, Luke begins to feel less confident in his desire to become King, rationalizing to himself that Yuga would surely grant him the title if he ever attained it. Afterwards, however, he continues to worry about it to the point of mentally crippling him during his Duel with Kit Schrödinger. Once Yuga confirms that he would not give Luke the title however, Luke is encouraged to continue aiming to gain the title on his own merits, and he dubs his path his "daor", in an inversion of Yuga's "road" philosophy.[22]

Luke has a stereotypically large appetite; he is often seen enjoying food to the point of overindulgence, and once eats three bowls of ramen from the Ramen Hut, while still having the appetite for at least two servings of Romin's Dragias Curry. His appetite is known among his friends to the point that Yuga suggests making food for Luke as a way to apologize to him. When Luke eats at GastroByte, he consumes dozens of plates of food on his own that totals a bill of around 666,666 yen and he and Romin between them once devoured most of a life-size Stonehenge made from cake.

Similar to Joey Wheeler, Luke has a somewhat "rude" speech pattern, eschewing honorifics. He also deactivates Yuga's Duel-cycle without his consent to catch his attention more than once, and once tries to break into Romin's guitar case because he finds it suspicious, despite Gavin's protests that doing so would be invading Romin's privacy.[12] He also later ate the supposed "last ramen" of the Ramen Hut without asking permission or having paid for it, though he did give thanks for the meal, and tends to be somewhat rude when demanding seconds. After Romin's spying was revealed to the group, Luke refused to talk to her even when she tried to apologize to him. Luke eventually drops his anger with Romin after she made the Dragias Curry as an apology, even if he still holds it over her head on occasion. Later Luke is confused as to why his sister is angry with him when he returns home to find spare underwear after he betrayed his friends.


Luke is generally casual and tough-talking, using the masculine pronoun of "ore". However, he reverts to the more polite and childish "boku" and longer forms of words when trying to gain favor, such as when he addresses Otes, who he also refers to with honorifics. Luke has a tendency to comment "right, right" for emphasis.

In the English dub, he has a tendency to call others "bro."


The kanji in Luke's proper name contain the characters for "Upper/Higher", "Castle", "Dragon", and "Eternity/Long time", in reference to his Deck and self-proclaimed status as the number one Duelist of Goha #7 Elementary.[2] His nickname, "Luke", can also be read as "Rook" in katakana, which is a chess piece in the shape of a battlement, in addition to how in shogi a promoted rook is called "Dragon King".

In both versions, his nickname is derived from his first name. In the dub, it is simply a short form of "Lucidien". In the Japanese version, 龍久 (Tatsuhisa) can be read as Ryūku, which has been corrupted to "Luke".


Luke using his ability to stop a Goha Enterprises Drone.

Luke can cause technology around him to briefly stop working just by touching it. He seems to have developed some level of control over this, but he can only use this ability up to twice a day.[14] Luke himself believes that this is due to his soul being possessed by a demon, but Yuga Ohdo suggests that it may be an example of the Pauli effect.[10] Luke himself calls this ability "Luke Devil".[23] It is later revealed that this ability is connected to Luke's wristwatch, which he removes when he Duels. However, only Luke can use this ability; Yuga, Romin Kassidy, and Gavin Sogetsu all tried and failed.[5]. however after his duel with Tiger his great-grandfather confirmed that it is due to the fact that everyone in Luke's family can do this when in contact with Gohanium which his watch has in the gears[24].

While his main passion is Dueling, Luke is also extremely athletic, easily dodging other players in sports and casually hitting a home run despite not being part of those clubs.[25] His prodigious athleticism is later displayed when he expertly dives into a body of water and swims to a platform to Duel on.[26]



Lucidien grew up with his sister Tiadosia, and was aware from an early age that he was expected to inherit control over Kallister Gears. He often played gear pitch guessing games with his great-grandfather Vance and developed a distaste for gears as a result.[6] Lucidien once Dueled his great-grandfather, who claimed his strength was too much for him, but Tiadosia told Vance off for pretending to lose and a saddened Lucidien admitted he wished his great-grandfather would take him seriously.[27] After Tiadosia befriended Asana Mutsuba, Lucidien went missing on a snowy day, having fallen asleep in a shed in front of a clockwork machine.[28] Lucidien and Tiadosia eventually took up the nicknames of Luke and Tiger respectively and were highly competitive in their youth, with Luke unable to defeat his sister in anything. He tried to defeat her in a Duel, but she defeated him once again and she asked Luke what he wanted to see at the conclusion of his battles, a question that Luke didn't have an answer for.[4] He drew a manga about himself called "The Lukeman" where he used a card to fuse with a dragon after it was killed by a meteor but later came to regard it as an embarrassment and kept it hidden under his bed.[20]

Luke practicing in adult Duel Centers.

A year before the events of the series, Luke was given a wristwatch by his great-grandfather.[5] Soon afterwards, machines stopped working around Luke. Luke eventually learned to use this ability to his advantage, coming to believe that he was possessed by a demon and dubbing it "Luke Devil".[10][23] He used his power to enter adult Duel Centers, practicing his Duel Monsters skills against adult opponents and becoming the best Duelist at Goha #7 Elementary. Luke would later claim that he had never lost due to the demon possessing him, though he did lose several times and simply never gave up, and he still didn't defeat his sister.[10]

Luke learned about the legend that would allow someone to become the King of Duels. A week before the series, Luke discovered the Hologram Man's underground chamber and challenged him to a Duel. Although Luke was able to defeat the Hologram Man within the time limit, the timer during the Duel continued to run and gave him a penalty when it did. Luke repeatedly tried to pass the trial, but he was unsuccessful each time, and he eventually received all six of his penalties and his Duel Disk's account was banned.[14]

Birth of Rush Duels

Luke meets Yuga.

A week after first finding the Hologram Man, Luke heard fellow student Yuga Ohdo explaining about new Dueling rules to Student Council President Gavin Sogetsu. Luke was intrigued by the prospect, believing the new rules could be an interpretation of a line in the legend of the person who would become the King of Duels, and also noticed Romin Kassidy taking photos of them on her smartphone. After school, Luke waited for Yuga outside school and introduced himself, asking if he could have a word. Yuga claimed he was busy and tried to leave, only for Luke to stop his Duel-cycle with a single touch. Luke claimed he knew somewhere he could install his new rules, and took Yuga to the Hologram Man's chamber, explaining about the legend on the way. As Yuga worked to install his Rush Duel rules, Gavin arrived and began berating Yuga, only to freak out at the sight of the Hologram Man, while a Goha Enterprises Drone arrived, having detected the violation of the rules. Luke noticed that Romin was there as well and told her to come out, before stopping the Drone from working with his power. As the kids talked and charged Yuga's Duel Disk using his Duel-cycle, the Drone eventually began working again, with Luke unable to stop it as he'd used his power twice that day, so Romin suggested Yuga use Real-Time Duel Programming. Luke was suspicious of Romin's claims that she wasn't interested in Dueling, and he watched in shock as Yuga decided to use his Rush Dueling to enter the program in time and his Duel Disk transformed. Luke was shocked that Yuga was able to simply Summon three monsters at once, but the Hologram Man Summoned "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", destroyed Yuga's monsters, and reduced him to 1000 LP. Luke and Gavin both believed that Yuga wouldn't be able to make a comeback against "Blue-Eyes" with a single card, but Yuga revealed that in a Rush Duel, players drew until they had five cards at the beginning of their turns, and he Summoned his ace monster, "Sevens Road Magician", increasing its ATK high enough to destroy "Blue-Eyes" and defeat the Hologram Man with one attack. The victory allowed Yuga to successfully install his Rush Dueling rules, and Luke enthusiastically congratulated Yuga. The voice of the Hologram Man congratulated Yuga as well, and Luke wondered if this meant that Yuga was the one in the legend. Luke and Gavin's Duel Disks suddenly changed shape to become the same as Yuga's, which also deleted Luke and Yuga's penalties, as a path opened before them.[14] Yuga told Luke to take the path, but it was simply a hologram and Luke walked right into the dais. Romin and Gavin asked what the King of Duels was, and Luke explained that they dictated the rules of Duel Monsters. He outlined a scheme to become employed by Goha Enterprises, but Yuga was tinkering with the Drone rather than listening to Luke. Luke asked Yuga to keep Rush Dueling a secret as it had the power to make one of them the King of Duels.[10]

Luke deactivates everyone's phones before his Rush Duel with Yuga.

The next day at school, Luke found Yuga and Romin telling their classmates about Rush Dueling, and he promptly dragged Yuga beneath his desk and warned him that they had to keep Rush Dueling a secret from Goha Enterprises to prevent their accounts from being banned. To Luke's surprise, Yuga explained that he wanted to let everyone enjoy Rush Dueling rather than use it for themselves. Romin suggested they settle their argument with a Duel, Luke believed that he'd win no matter the rules used as he was Goha #7 Elementary's strongest Duelist. Before the Duel, Luke disabled everyone's smartphones with his power to keep the Duel secret, though he was deflated when Yuga and Gavin suggested that his ability was the result of the Pauli effect rather than a demon. Yuga only Summoned a single monster on his first turn, something Luke correctly deduced was due to a bad hand, while Luke aimed to defeat Yuga in a One Turn Kill with his two "Twin Edge Dragons". Yuga was able to survive, so Luke decided to tell everyone how he had acquired his skills (despite no-one asking). Yuga came close to beating Luke, but failed to get enough monsters in his Graveyard to increase the ATK of "Sevens Road Magician" high enough, leaving Luke with 100 LP. Luke promised to finish Yuga off for failing to defeat him and Tribute Summoned "Multistrike Dragon Dragias", destroyed Yuga's Set card with "Dragon's Inferno", and destroyed both of his monsters with "Dragias", defeating him. Despite winning, the Duel had been livestreamed by the Drone that Yuga had modified, and Luke angrily asked why Yuga had done so, as Goha would likely delete Rush Dueling. Yuga pointed out how everyone was enjoying it, and told Luke that he'd never stop trying to install Rush Dueling. Luke came to believe that Yuga had let him win the Duel to show him the correct path.[10]

Luke later found that Goha had deleted all of the footage of his Rush Duel, and he deactivated Yuga's Duel-cycle to tell him the next morning, worried that Goha were observing them. Romin took another picture of them as she suggested they hurry to avoid being late, and Luke decided to look into her, though Gavin only told him information he already knew. Luke suspected Romin was working for Goha, so Yuga eventually agreed to investigate Romin too, and he tried using one of his Roads to determine if she was hiding something, though they were unsuccessful. Yuga then invited Romin to his Road Laboratory, prompting Luke to congratulate him. At Yuga's lab, they met his modified Drone again, who Yuga named "Kaizo", and Luke was subjected to a hairdressing machine. Yuga convinced Romin to Rush Duel him, and Luke noted her refusal to let Kaizo take her guitar case. As Yuga and Romin Rush Dueled, Luke repeatedly tried to look in the case, but Gavin held him back to prevent him from invading Luke's privacy. Luke was distracted from his efforts when Romin Tribute Summoned "Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar", a card that Yuga hadn't put in the spare Deck he had given Romin. Romin stated that it was hers and that she kept it in her guitar case as a good luck charm, reminding Luke of his mission and he opened the case, though he only found Romin's guitar. Romin used the effect of "Prima Guitarna" to increase the ATK of her monsters and destroy Yuga's, including "Sevens Road", putting Yuga in a tough spot, especially when he didn't draw any monsters with enough ATK to beat Romin's. Yuga then used "Recovery Force" to return "Sevens Road Magician" back to his Deck, and Luke was impressed that Yuga was able to draw it again. He defeated Romin by destroying "Prima Guitarna" with "Sevens Road", something Luke noted he didn't have to do to win. Gavin dragged Luke aside to talk with him after the Duel, and Luke agreed that Romin wasn't working for Goha.[12]

Luke decided to make a promo video for Rush Dueling, with him and Yuga Dueling while Romin provided a backing track and vocals and Gavin filmed. After Yuga brought Gavin to the class however, Romin refused to sing and Gavin left to return to his duties. Despite their difficulties, Luke and Yuga were able to produce a video that satisfied them, though they still wanted to improve the video. They brought a suggestion to Gavin, but he stated that he would be prohibiting Rush Duels. Yuga instead suggested they settle the matter with a Rush Duel, and Luke leapt on the chance and added that Gavin would have to step down as Student Council President if he lost, scheming to succeed him. Gavin had to postpone the Duel until after school due to his duties, but eventually showed up to Duel Yuga. With Gavin Dueling, Luke took up the role of explaining the game to Romin over the course of the match. Yuga was eventually able to bypass the effect of Gavin's "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer" by using "Sevens Road Witch" to Special Summon "Sevens Road Magician" and defeat Gavin, who stepped down as he had agreed. Luke ran against Gavin in the emergency election, but he was crushingly defeated and Gavin returned to the position.[18]

Luke depicted in an article at his request, ruling over his friends.

Gavin showed Luke and Yuga that more Rush Dueling videos were being deleted, and Yuga deduced that Goha were likely responsible, so Luke attempted to call Client Service, though he had difficulty communicating with the receptionist. When they arrived at school, they were asked for an interview by the Newspaper Club, and Luke volunteered to tell them about Rush Dueling. Despite Luke's praise for Rush Dueling, the Newspaper Club published an article demeaning them and Luke the next day, much to his fury. They went to have the article changed; Luke telling Masa and Cub that they could insult him all they wanted, but not Rush Dueling, but didn't make any progress until Yuga threatened to leak the paper to Goha Enterprises, prompting the Newspaper Club's chief, Scoop Pitman to offer to Duel to decide the article's content, revealing that he had been the one to judge Rush Dueling as simple. Luke accepted the challenge instead of Yuga, vowing to prove that Rush Duels were deep. He gained an early lead over Scoop, suggesting that he could change the paper to the "Luke Paper", but Scoop managed to limit the damage he took using Trap Cards. Scoop Summoned three "Printing Pressers" and placed "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" on the bottom of Luke's Deck, and Luke barely endured his attacks with "Dragon's Fortitude". This allowed him to shuffle his Deck and draw "Dragias" during his next turn, and he destroyed all of Scoop's "Printing Pressers". Scoop was able to revive one, but Luke Tribute Summoned "Dragias" and used its effect to attack twice, destroying "Printing Presser" again and defeating Scoop. Following the Duel, Yuga revealed he'd believed in Luke the entire time and Scoop admitted he'd come to enjoy Rush Duels, agreeing to change the article. Having been inspired by their comments about him, Luke requested Scoop make a picture depicting him ruling over his friends, much to their displeasure.[16] Luke continued to work with the Newspaper Club, starting a column where he would answer questions, but had trouble deciding on a title and had no help from Yuga and the others, as they were more concerned about the imminent closure of the Ramen Hut. Luke later went to look for his friends, finding Yuga Dueling Saburamen at the Ramen Hut and helping himself to a freshly prepared bowl of ramen, unaware that it was supposedly the last bowl the shop would make. He was criticized by his friends, but the shopkeeper explained that he intended to keep his store open, and he offered to make more for them, though Yuga told Luke he'd had enough. Later, Yuga took Saburamen to the Hologram Man's chamber to try and install Dueling rules of his own, but they found the chamber empty and the Hologram Man's dais missing.[29] Luke eventually named his newspaper column "Luke's Life Advice for All" and began answering questions, including from one boy who wanted to Rush Duel, but his mother wouldn't let him. Luke suggested the boy take care of his mother, wishing him good luck.[30]

A new student, Mimi Imimi, transferred to Yuga's class. Gavin told them that the Student Council didn't know what school Mimi had transferred from, causing Luke to suspect Mimi as a Goha agent. Mimi approached them and asked to become friends with them, prompting Luke's suspicions, but they were pacified when Mimi offered them gifts to get to know them better; Luke was offered several chocolates. They took Mimi to the Road Laboratory, but she suddenly left, and Luke, Romin and Gavin convinced Yuga to wait at the Laboratory in case Mimi returned, suspecting she would try to steal Yuga's notebook. Sure enough, Mimi returned that night and Luke caught her in the act of stealing the notebook, though Mimi claimed she had simply wanted to learn more about Rush Dueling. To Luke's surprise, Yuga offered the notebook to Mimi, but she refused to take it, so they decided to settle matters with a Rush Duel. Mimi's Bubble Era monsters both enchanted and confused Luke, as he wondered why Mimi had them. Yuga was able to defeat Mimi and gave her the notebook, claiming it would make her love Rush Dueling even more, much to Luke's exasperation. The next day at school, they talked about how to make Rush Dueling more fun.[31]

Luke joined Yuga, Kaizo and Gavin to investigate the disappearance of the Hologram Man's Relic, but Kaizo was unable to find any clues. They went to find a vending machine due to the heat, but Romin had taken the last drink from the nearest one and they were blocked from accessing the other one by Yosh Imimi, who claimed to have a grudge against Luke and called himself the King of Combat. The term's similarity to King of Duels annoyed Luke, and he accepted Yosh's challenge to Rush Duel, stating he would regret calling himself the King of Duels. Yosh used the "Apocalypse - Beast Gear World" Field Spell Card against Luke, increasing the ATK of his Beast Warriors and reducing the ATK of Luke's Dragons, but despite his handicap, Luke was able to destroy two of Yosh's monsters and deplete a large portion of his LP with "Dragias". Yosh vowed that he would have Luke convince his mother, explaining that he was the one who had asked Luke for advice in the Goha 7th Newspaper. Yosh had interpreted Luke's wish of good luck as the catchphrase of his favorite hero, Good Max, and had began dressing and acting like him, though this had horrified Yosh's mother, who had threatened not to make his favorite napolitan spaghetti. Luke replied that he wouldn't be convincing Yosh's mother to let him Rush Duel, as he'd win the Duel. Yosh Tribute Summoned "Beast Gear Emperor Catapult Kong" and destroyed all of Luke's monsters, but Luke was able to Tribute Summon "Dragonic Slayer" and bring back "Dragias", vowing that he wouldn't be changed and would instead change the world around him. He used the effect of "Dragonic Slayer" to destroy "Beast Gear World", then destroyed all of Yosh's monsters with his two Dragons, defeating and unmasking him. After the Duel, they enjoyed drinks together, Yosh gushing over the Rush Duel. Gavin pointed out that they still needed to convince Yosh's mother to let him Rush Duel, and Yuga offered to use a Road, though Luke asked Yosh if this was what he really wanted, and Yosh declined Yuga's offer.[30]

After rumors spread on the internet of a dinosaur created by Goha Enterprises, "Gossie", Luke decided to search for it with Yuga, though Gavin and Romin were skeptical. They used Kaizo to detect an adventurous spirit, encountering Goha #2 Elementary's Duel Dinosaur Club, who suggested they team up to look for Gossie. Luke spearheaded the search, bringing them first to the shopping district, then to Ol' Gertrude after it was suggested Gossie was nostalgic for old things, though when Tracker suggested Gossie was hunting, Luke visited Rushie in a panic, fearing she had been eaten. After Luke almost ate Rushie's bone and Romin tossed it away, Gavin suggested that Gossie could be at the Relic, but Luke had to go to the bathroom due to all the fruit he had been eating as they searched. While he was there, the Duel Dinosaur Club entered and began talking about how they intended to exploit Gossie for money, much to Luke's anger, and he revealed their duplicity to his friends. Yuga offered to tell them where the Relic was if Professor Diggs defeated him in a Rush Duel. As Yuga and Diggs Dueled, Luke noticed that Diggs and his friends were genuinely excited and Yuga confirmed that Diggs's adventurous spirit was genuine. They revealed that Gossie had been seen at a construction site, and Yuga suddenly lost interest in Gossie, though Luke was undeterred and began supporting Diggs as he still wanted to find Gossie. Yuga defeated Diggs, but despite his wishes for them to stop looking for Gossie, Luke and the Duel Dinosaur Club went to the construction site anyway. To Luke's anger, "Gossie" was merely heating pipes and one of Yuga's Roads intended for noise cancellation. Yuga brought the Duel Dinosaur Club to the Hologram Man's chamber, and Tracker sneezed, revealing seven symbols carved in the floor.[32] They took photos of the emblems and studied them at the Road Laboratory over the next few days; Luke suggested one of them resembled "Dragias", but they were distracted by Romin leaving for the night. She gave them tickets to a RoaRomin concert that weekend at the Big Seven Arena.[11]

Luke accompanied Yuga, Gavin and Kaizo to the Big Seven Arena, noting the building's disused nature and being spooked by something in the corridor. Upon arriving at Romin's dressing room, Luke was mortified to see that Yuga and Gavin had brought her gifts while he hadn't, and despite Romin's protests he rushed off to find something, but wound up getting lost in the dark corridors. A strange boy scared him in the corridors, telling him of the spirit of a guitarist that haunted the area and took talented guitarists away before disappearing. Luke's screams alerted his friends after the lights went out, and they found him sitting in the corridor, though Romin had stayed in her dressing room. Luke immediately worried she was in danger, and sure enough she had vanished when they returned to the dressing room, though Gavin believed her disappearance to be innocuous. The concert then began, so they moved to the main stage where Mimi joined them in the VIP area as Romin's cousin and RoaRomin's leader Roa Kassidy made his entrance and challenged Yuga to a Rush Duel for the rights to Rush Dueling, intending to re-brand it and become King of Duels himself. Yuag agreed to the challenge, and Roa suggested a three-vs.-three team Duel, so Luke volunteered to Duel first, only to find he was Dueling the boy who had scared him in the corridors; RoaRomin's bassist. The bassist controlled the Ghost Story Duel, manipulating Luke's cards and inflicting burn damage, while terrifying him by telling him to look behind him as he told ghost stories about Big Seven Arena. His control was so absolute that Luke's first turn passed without a single action from him. On his next turn, the bassist brought out his "Wicked Shadow Dark Lurker" and combined it with "Nightmare Knock" to destroy all of Luke's Spells and Traps and reduce him to 1200 LP without even battling. When Luke drew on his next turn, the bassist claimed he would use his favorite card to defeat Luke, as it shared his name: "It's Right Behind You!". Although the bassist had brought "Dark Lurker" back to the field with 2600 ATK and reduced Luke to 300 LP, Luke had finally realized that the bassist had simply been saying his name their entire time; Toombs and that there was nothing to be afraid of; Toombs himself lamented that no-one remembered his name. He Tribute Summoned "Dragias" and "Shock Dragon", combining their effects to reduce the ATK of "Dark Lurker" low enough to destroy it, defeating Toombs. After the Duel, Luke told Toombs that it had been a great Duel and claimed he would remember his name. Roa admitted that Luke had surprised him, though their next match wouldn't be so easy.[11]

Gavin decided to Duel next, and Roa revealed that his opponent would be none other than Romin, who claimed to have been spying on them for Roa, much to Luke's anger. As Kaizo sided with Romin again and insulted Luke and Yuga for not suspecting Romin, Yuga revealed that he'd known Romin was a spy, something Luke attributed to his own suspicions of Romin. Gavin quickly Summoned "Yamiruler" and used its effect to lock Romin down; Luke subsequently believed that Gavin would have an easy victory, though Roa claimed they knew nothing about Romin and that her skills had been honed by him. Gavin reduced Romin to 900 LP, but she seemed to ignore her plight and played on her Duel Guitar during the Duel, prompting Luke to wonder if she was taking the Duel seriously. Saburamen and his friends Briscoe and Sushiko Maki then arrived to cater for the event, and Luke eagerly sampled their combined sushi and yakiniku, unknowingly driving Romin over the edge into a crazed hunger and she defeated Gavin. As she celebrated, the Duel Guitar ejected a chocolate bar that fell into her mouth, and she returned to normal after eating it. Roa then announced that he would be Yuga's opponent.[33]

After Saburamen, Briscoe and Sushiko apologized to Yuga and Gavin for their role in Gavin's loss, Romin tried to warn Yuga not to Duel, though Luke was still furious at her betrayal. Yuga decided to Duel regardless, and Luke encouraged him to Duel as he usually did throughout the match, though he was angered when Roa dismissed Yuga's first turn as not being serious due to Yuga not using "Sevens Road Magician". Roa asked where Yuga had got the card, and Yuga revealed that the Hologram Man had given him the card at the 666th Goha Dueling Tournament, though he had been disqualified. Roa suggested the Hologram Man had been disqualified due to "Sevens Road Magician" being an illegal card, much to Luke's surprise, and after a Goha executive intervened in the Duel, it was decided that Yuga would be disqualified if he drew "Sevens Road Magician". As the others began to doubt Yuga, Luke called onto them to believe in him, firmly believing that Yuga would never cheat and rallying them to look for information on "Sevens Road Magician" while he remained behind to support Yuga. Gavin contacted the Newspaper Club, so Luke rang Yosh to ask him to bring them to Big Seven Arena once they had found something. Roa forced Yuga to draw cards several times in an attempt to force him to draw "Sevens Road", but to Luke's relief Yuga didn't draw his ace monster. Gavin, Rino and Saburamen then returned and admitted they had been unable to find any information on "Sevens Road Magician".[34]

Yuga drew "Sevens Road Magician" on his next turn, but then the Relic emerged in the Arena and the Duel Dinosaur Club entered the room to examine it. Yuga explained that he and the Duel Dinosaur Club had investigated the emblems and determined they pointed to the Arena. The Hologram Man was projected from the Relic and he introduced himself as Otes, stating that he had chosen Yuga to become the King of Duels (and ignoring Luke's insistence that he had been chosen as well). Yosh and the Newspaper Club then arrived with footage that proved Otes had been disqualified for being a Goha employee and that "Sevens Road Magician" was legal; Roa had been blocking the card's information on the internet. Romin then noticed Roa in the footage of the 666th Goha Dueling Tournament, and Roa asked Otes why he hadn't been chosen to be King of Duels instead of Yuga. Luke believed that Roa's underhanded tactics made him ineligible to be the King of Duels, though after Yuga claimed Roa still could attain the title, Luke suggested that he could as well (though his friends didn't believe so). Yuga and Roa decided to Duel for the right to the title, something Luke didn't believe Otes would allow, though Otes accepted the terms. Yuga almost defeated Roa with "Sevens Road Magician", but Roa negated the attack and Summoned his own ace, "Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal", absorbing Yuga's "Sevens Road Witch" and destroying the weakened "Sevens Road Magician", though Yuga was barely able to survive. Luke admitted that Roa might be the strongest Duelist he had met, and though Yuga was able to re-Summon "Sevens Road Magician", Roa prevented it from activating its effect. Yuga was able to instead reduce the ATK of "Heavy Metal" with "Sevens Road Mage" and defeat Roa. As Luke congratulated Yuga, Otes declared Yuga had only taken his first steps on the road to the King of Duels, and Yuga admitted he was becoming interested by the road to the King as the Relic returned to the ground. After the Duel, Luke interrogated Romin over the secret Roa was holding over her, which Yuga deduced to be that she was tone-deaf, much to Romin's embarrassment.[35]


After the Duel with Roa, Romin tried to apologize to Luke for her duplicity, but Luke refused to accept her apologies despite Gavin's assurances that Romin had been blackmailed by Roa. After having three bowls of ramen at the Ramen Hut the next day, Luke later found Yuga and Kaizo walking through Goha City with Yuga's Duel-cycle. Luke asked if Yuga wanted to Duel him, but Yuga instead took him to Roa Kassidy's apartment, where they found Romin, Gavin, Rayne and Rino. Luke wasn't happy to see Romin and was about to leave, but then smelled the curry rice that she had been cooking. Despite its blue coloration, Luke eagerly ate and enjoyed the curry rice, and was surprised to learn Romin had made it to apologize to him. Though he did not outright accept Romin's apology, Luke admitted to being moved and that the curry was nice and asked for seconds. As he was eating the curry, he noted that the color was similar to "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and suggested naming it Dragias Curry. Hearing this, Romin tried to add more seasoning to the curry to simulate the more explosive second attack of "Dragias", but she instead flooded the entire apartment with curry.[3]

As Luke practiced drawing at school one day, he wondered why he felt like his dream of becoming the King of Duels felt out of reach lately. Gavin suggested to Luke that it was because Yuga now wanted to become the King of Duels as well, though Luke claimed Yuga would still bestow the title upon him, despite Gavin pointing out Luke was just telling himself that. Romin asked Luke what he wanted to do as King, something Luke himself hadn't even considered until that point. Kaizo then arrived and claimed to have discovered where the Relic would next appear, leading Luke, Yuga, Romin and Gavin to the harbor. They boarded a ship to an island the Relic was supposed to appear on, only to find they were onboard Goha Aquatic Elementary, which would not return to Goha City for a month. The ship's fishing nets then scooped up the Duel-cycle in Robot Mode, causing the ship's captain, Skipjack, to accuse Yuga of polluting the ocean and challenge him to a Rush Duel. Luke was caught off-guard by Skipjack's use of the "Big Umi" Field Spell, initially believing he was drowning until informed otherwise by Romin and Gavin. Skipjack's tactics pushed Yuga into a corner, and though Luke believed Skipjack's ace monster "Hydro Cannon Big Bluefin" would be trouble, he was confident Yuga could win the Duel. Sure enough, Yuga Summoned a new monster, "Lightning Voltcondor", reducing the ATK of Skipjack's monsters with its effect and defeating him. After the Duel, Yuga learned that the island they were travelling to didn't exist and that Kaizo had been replaced with a fake, while a fragment of the real Kaizo remained in the Duel-cycle and had tried to warn them they were in danger. The fake Kaizo escaped back to Goha City, but Yuga had planted a transmitter in it and Skipjack offered to take them back to shore on a speedboat, a ride Luke enjoyed.[21]

Luke accompanied Yuga, Romin and Gavin to follow the transmitter in Kaizo, which led them to GastroByte.[21] Gavin asked what they should do, much to Luke's confusion, and Gavin had to explain that they had previously been banned from the restaurant, though Luke saw Mimi heading into the restaurant and asked for her help in getting them inside. Once they were in and Mimi had gone to the bathroom, Luke got carried away with the holographic dining room settings and consumed dozens of plates of food, believing they would be able to pay for the meal due to the 66 yen opening prices. To his shock the waiter drone informed them that the special had just ended and the full price would be 666,666 yen. Romin angrily accused Luke of only thinking of himself and causing trouble, while Luke reminded Romin of the trouble her betrayal had caused them. Luke ran off to the bathroom to relieve himself, getting the idea to suggest Yuga make a Road to change their bill back to the 66 yen price, only to find the others gone and Mimi at the table as clueless as him as to where they were. They looked through the restaurant for them, finding Romin about to Duel Buff Grimes in the kitchens; Mimi urged Luke to step in as the situation was his fault, though Luke found himself unable to. As he watched the Duel, he noticed that Grimes was cheating by swapping his Set cards out for his "Bleach Mortar" Spell Card and was pleased when Yuga eventually noticed as well, though even when pressed Grimes denied his cheating. Luke believed he could use his power to deactivate the cheating function, but was still conflicted over helping Romin until Mimi pointed out she cherished Rush Dueling as much as he did and that she was his friend. Before Grimes could cheat again, Luke stepped in and used his power to deactivate the cheating function of Grimes's Duel Disk, allowing Romin to survive the turn. As Luke gloated over his helping Romin, she defensively claimed she hadn't asked for his help, but Luke's continued gloating eventually made her snap, and she furiously defeated Grimes. After the Duel, Luke interrogated Grimes, learning that he had seen Kaizo fly through a door that Yuga was able to open.[23]

Once they entered the tunnel, they were met by Nail Saionji.[23] Nail explained he was the overseer of Goha Duels and that he would return Kaizo's data if they could defeat the Duelists in the Garden of Curiosity, but if they lost six times their accounts would be deleted. They soon found the first Duelist, Kit Schrödinger, and though Yuga was eager to Duel him, Luke decided to Duel Kit. Luke Summoned "Dragias" and "Dragon Knight of Darkness", but Kit activated his "Lost Cat" Trap, forcing Luke to guess the type of the top card of his Deck so his attacks could go through. At that point Luke remembered that he'd been worrying about whether Yuga would give him the title of King of Duels if he attained it, and he failed to guess for both of his attacks. Kit further added to Luke's worries by citing Schrödinger's cat and the multiple possibilities of the Duel, and he forced Luke to guess the top card of his Deck again with his "Cat's Eye" Spell; Luke's failure allowed Kit's "Cat" monsters to attack directly and reduce him to 100 LP. Gavin then asked Luke if he was worried about whether Yuga would give him the Throne of the King and suggested he ask Yuga now and clear the matter up. Luke did so, and Yuga informed him that he wouldn't give him the title, but encouraged Luke to try and attain the title himself. His confidence renewed, Luke vowed to take his own "daor" and he Tribute Summoned "Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike" and used its effect to check the top cards of his Deck to allow him to ensure his attacks would succeed. "Dragias" reduced Kit to 100 LP as well, but Kit activated his "Lost Cat" when Luke attacked with "Bunker Strike", and Luke forgot which order he'd returned his cards in, but he vowed not to hesitate and successfully guessed the card type of his card, defeating Kit. After Nail dropped the defeated Kit down a trapdoor, Luke angrily challenged Nail to come out and face him, but Nail returned them to the surface and told them to return the next day. His confidence renewed by finding his own "daor", Luke spotted a light in the sky and declared it the star of the King of Duels, but it soon fell, much to his dismay.[22]

The next day, Luke discussed Nail with Romin and Gavin at the Road Laboratory, before accompanying Yuga to the Hologram Man's chamber, as Yuga wanted to search for clues to the "key" that Otes had mentioned, though Romin had to leave. As Luke called Romin selfish, a trapdoor opened beneath them and dropped them back into the Garden of Curiosity where Luke had Dueled Kit. Nail contacted them over hologram, and Yuga asked him if the "key" was in the Garden, though Nail denied it. Luke believed Nail was lying, though Yuga didn't think he was, and Luke tried to lead the way to Nail with his intuition. Unfortunately for Luke his intuition was completely wrong, as Yuga and Gavin worked out that Nail's Nexus was likely under the Goha Enterprises Main Office and followed the GPS on Gavin's phone. They eventually ran into Tyler Getz, RoaRomin's drummer, though Luke initially mistook him for Toombs. Romin and Roa then arrived, having also been brought to the Garden, and Tyler aired grievances he had with Roa mistreating him, resulting in Roa Dueling Tyler. Luke was impressed by the strength of both Duelists, and he watched as Tyler pushed Roa into a corner. Roa then sung a song to Tyler about how he was his friend, before defeating him with "Royal Rebel's Invasion". After the Duel, Nail dropped Tyler down a trapdoor as he had Kit, but Roa tried to save him, claiming he was hopeless without Tyler and moving Luke to tears until Romin told him that Roa had called her to ask if Yuga would make a drumming robot to replace Tyler, a fact that Luke blurted out and alerted Tyler to. Tyler subsequently swore revenge on Roa and fell into the trapdoor, and they were returned to the surface, where Roa parted ways from them and amended his request to a Duel Disk drumset.[36]

The following day, Yuga told Luke about the Super Rush Robot he had seen in his dreams, which he believed to be the key that Otes had mentioned. As Romin berated Yuga over his excessive number of Roads, Luke spotted the Truthinator and nostalgically recalled how they had used it when investigating Romin, though he accidentally spilled the other Roads on them. As Yuga showed them blueprints for the Super Rush Robot with Kaizo at the robot's crotch as a coolant system, Kaizo fled in the Duel-cycle seat, and when Luke followed Romin after him, they found four Comforting Harmonious Massage Chairs. Luke was quick to try one, convincing his friends to do so as well, but they were then taken down into the Garden of Curiosity and confronted by another massage chair. Luke tried to sit on it, but the chair's A.I., Seatbastian, swiftly ejected Luke and claimed he was unworthy to sit on him. Seatbastian challenged Yuga to a Duel, swiftly Summoning three 0 ATK monsters, something Luke immediately realized was suspicious, and he was proven right when Seatbastian destroyed all the monsters on the field. Seatbastian lectured Yuga over the history of chairs and the worth of those who sat on them, topics which Luke pondered on. Seatbastian combined his "Throne of Darkness" and "Dahut, Dark Ruler of the Chair" to increase "Dahut" to 4000 ATK, worrying Luke, though Yuga was able to survive with "Curtain of Sparks". He countered with "Sevens Road Magician", but Seatbastian returned it to Yuga's hand and merged it with Kaizo, then forced Yuga to pick it out from duplicates. Despite Seatbastian's now mad taunts, Luke believed that Yuga would still be able to pick out the real Kaizo, and Yuga successfully did so and defeated Seatbastian. Afterwards they were returned to the surface, where Yuga amended his blueprints to place Kaizo in the posterior of the Super Rush Robot.[37]

Yosh came to ask Luke for advice on his essay "My Dream", and Luke suggested he stop thinking and find the answer during a Duel. They were then dropped into the Garden of Curiosity by Nail to Duel Number Six, though when they decided to have a game of Rock-paper-scissors to determine who would Duel her, Yosh won the game, having been drawn into the Garden with them. Luke encouraged Yosh to find his own "daor" during the Duel. Luke cheered Yosh on during the Duel, though he was shocked when Number Six reduced Yosh to 100 LP. Despite his situation, Yosh resolved to make his "daor" the wish to dream as big as his mother did, much to Luke's approval, and he defeated Number Six. Yosh's injuries caused him to pass out, and Luke tried to catch him, only for Number Six to shove him out of the way and catch him herself. To Luke's shock, Number Six was revealed to be Mimi, though his friends had deduced this previously, though they were all shocked to learn she was Yosh's mother. They were then all penalized, as Mimi had been judged to be one of Yuga's friends by the system. After being returned to the surface, Mimi gave Luke coupons to GastroByte as a bribe to keep her identity secret from Yosh and apologized to them, admitting she had been happy to be called their friend.[38]

The next day they called their other friends to the Road Laboratory to explain the situation to them, as they were all affected by the penalties. For his part, Luke largely ate sushi rolls that Sushiko was serving them, adding that Mimi deserved having to Duel Yosh for being a spy. Luke, Yuga, Gavin, Romin and Saburamen were then dropped into the Garden of Curiosity, where they encountered Mysterious M, who told them Nail's Nexus was in the Gate of Curiosity and encouraged them to find it. After three hours of walking, Saburamen's nose led them to Out of This World Ramen, a ramen store ran by Celestia Noodlina, who claimed to be an alien, a claim Luke believed. After having some ramen, Celestia challenged them to a Duel, which Saburamen accepted, prompting Luke to order seconds. Saburamen gained an early lead, causing Celestia to shake with electricity, and she revealed that her UFO was powered by her LP and she would be unable to return home if she lost. As she made a comeback and pushed Saburamen into a corner, Luke noted that Saburamen was worrying about something, which was revealed to be whether he should choose the chance to go to outer space with Celestia, or forgo that chance by winning the Duel. Luke found his dilemma silly, believing he should always choose the Duel, but was shocked when Yuga admitted he would choose outer space, though he told Saburamen only he could make his own decision. Energized by his new road, Saburamen defeated Celestia, resulting in Celestia's mothership arriving to retrieve her. Afterwards, they resumed their search for the Gate of Curiosity.[15]

Luke decided to treat his friends to a meal at GastroByte using the coupons Mimi had given him, though his power caused some technical difficulties, something Luke attributed to his devil being moody. Yuga asked Luke about the wristwatch his great-grandfather had given him, and as Luke gave it to Yuga to look at and praised Yuga's eye, a waiter Drone came in and splashed water on Luke's face, before taking him away to clean him off. Annoyed by the Drone's rough treatment, Luke threw it off, but was then trapped in a cage by Grimes. Luke feared that Grimes had kidnapped him to turn him into a Dueling Superhuman and decided to go along with his plan, challenging Grimes to a Duel despite the Cleaning Club president's protests. Luke tried to escape the cage with his power, but found himself unable to, and Grimes accepted his challenge. Although Luke quickly Summoned three Dragons, he avoided Summoning "Dragias" after remembering how Grimes had looped his "Bleach Mortar" against Romin. To Luke's shock, Grimes cheated more brazenly than he had against Romin using a technique he dubbed "Arai Angel", something Luke believed was due to his own actions and he tearfully vowed to set Grimes onto the right path. Grimes's combo forced Luke to continue to draw cards, then by using the effect of his "Laundering General - Big Tidy", he forced Luke to discard and redraw his hand, causing Luke to realize that Grimes wanted to make him Deck out. Yuga, Romin and Gavin then arrived, and they all tried to use Luke's power to disable Grimes's Duel Disk, but were unable to do so, so Luke decided to beat Grimes with skill instead. He flipped Grimes's second "Big Tidy" face-down with "Dragonic Disorder" to break his combo, then destroyed all the monsters on the field on his turn and Summoned "Shock Dragon", "Bunker Strike", and "Dragias" to defeat Grimes. After the Duel, Luke insisted that Grimes make him a Dueling Superhuman, but Yuga instead asked Grimes where the Gate of Curiosity was and tricked him into divulging the location when Grimes refused. Although the door to the Garden of Curiosity in GastroByte had been sealed by a lock, Luke used his power to open it with ease. Grimes was then dropped down a trapdoor by Nail, and Luke told him to take the right "daor" from now on before joining his friends in heading for the Gate of Curiosity.[5]

When they arrived at the Gate, Luke advised caution in Nail's stronghold, though they were surprised to find a street of shops staffed by Drones selling items branded with providence. Gavin suggested they take the opportunity to learn about Nail's providence, so Luke threw himself into the shops with initial enthusiasm. However, many of the goods the Drones sold differed from the normal, including sour candy apples and disgusting corn dogs. As they continued to experience the shops, Luke became more impatient with Nail's providence, but Yuga claimed he understood it, and they advanced into Nail's Nexus. They found the Nexus in ruins, which Luke initially believed to be Nail's trap, only for Gavin to explain that the damage was simply Solid Vision. Nail and Seatbastian emerged to greet them, Nail claiming that they wouldn't be able to have the Rush Duel that Yuga wanted as Yuga would be unable to win. As they Dueled, Nail explained his definition of providence; the source of all creation. Despite going to severe lengths to protect one of his Trap Cards during his Duel with Yuga, Nail's "Quantum Hole" only allowed him to draw cards, and his Cyberse monsters focused on this strategy too. Luke noted the strange names of Nail's monsters, and when Romin realized that the Levels of Nail's monsters were continually decreasing as they approached zero, Gavin clarified that they were negative denominations approaching zero, or providence. Nail then Maximum Summoned "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor‎‎‎‎", defeating Yuga.[39] Nail explained that he had installed the Summoning method using a gap in the code of Rush Duels that Yuga himself had left in. Nail then returned them to the surface, warning them that they had two penalties now.[40]

Although Luke, Gavin and Romin had promised Yuga they would work with him to discover a way to defeat Maximum Summoning, Yuga was not at the Road Laboratory when they went there the next day. Luke tried ringing Yuga's phone, though he only got the answering service, and with the three of them unable to find Yuga, they decided to look for hints on how to defeat Maximum Summoning on their own. Luke visited the Ramen Hut to ask Saburamen and the shopkeeper about Maximum, but found no information. Eventually he realized Otes was the most likely person to would know about Maximum Summoning and he headed to his chamber to contact him, finding Gavin and Romin were already there, having had the same idea. Otes appeared to them after they had gathered and confirmed that he knew about Maximum Summoning. He agreed to tell them how to defeat it if they all defeated him in a Rush Duel, warning them that the system would penalize them all regardless of the results, as Otes was counted as one of Yuga's allies. Despite the risk, Luke, Gavin and Romin all agreed to Duel, and Otes split in three to Duel them. Otes opposed Luke with "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" and reduced his LP with "Inferno Fire Blast", then after Romin Tribute Summoned, used "Black Dragon's Roar" to increase the ATK and DEF of "Red-Eyes" and return "Inferno Fire Blast" to the top of his Deck, ensuring Luke would lose on his next turn. Remembering the passion he had felt when Yuga had encouraged him to find his own "daor", Luke was able to defeat Otes with "Dragias". Gavin and Romin won their Duels with Otes as well, and Otes congratulated them before vanishing, telling them that the hint to defeating Maximum was within them all along. As they considered Otes' words, with Luke taking them literally initially and examining his own body for the hint, they realized that all three of them had found the resolve to continue, and they wondered if this was what Otes meant.[40] Luke, Gavin and Romin decided that Yuga's best chance to defeat Nail's Maximum was to install it himself, and they decided to entrust Yuga with their Duel ID cards to create the necessary Maximum Monsters.[17] They returned to the Road Laboratory to wait for Yuga, who finally returned that evening and apologized to them. Luke excitedly told Yuga about how they had all defeated Otes, and they encouraged him to accept their resolve and win.[40] Yuga was unwilling to use his friends' plan, as he didn't want to erase their accounts by rewriting their cards, though Luke reassured Yuga that it would be fine, even if it meant removing his primary objective of becoming the King of Duels, as he wanted to see what lay beyond Yuga's road. After Gavin took out a Goha Enterprises Drone that tried to penalize them for opening their Duel Disks, Yuga helped Luke eject his Duel ID card and Luke gave it to Yuga, telling him that he was counting on him.[17]

Yuga took his friends to the Goha Enterprises Main Office to visit the Goha Duel Museum, though Luke initially believed they were there to visit the Goha Company Cafeteria. Luke marveled at the exhibits at the Museum, including full-scale models of legendary Duel Monsters and Duel Disk prototypes, and then spotted what he believed to be a model of Nail, only to learn that it was really Nail when Seatbastian angrily ordered Luke to stop disrespecting Nail. Nail then made a disparaging comment regarding Luke's grades, something Luke mistook as praise until Gavin informed him otherwise. Yuga challenged Nail to another Duel, and Nail told them all to enjoy the Duel Museum while they could still Duel. Yuga played defensively on his first turn, a strategy that Luke praised given their lack of knowledge of Nail's "Yggdrago". Nail began churning through his cards again, and he Maximum Summoned "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor", taking them to the top of the Goha Main Office. Yuga tried to destroy "Yggdrago" with a Trap Card, but "Yggdrago" proved to be immune to destruction by Traps, which Nail explained was one of its three Maximum Effects. Nail used its second effect to destroy Yuga's "Bascule the Moving Fortress", an effect Luke recognized from when he destroyed "Sevens Road Magician", then used the final effect to change Yuga's "Straynge Cat" into Attack Position, though Yuga was able to survive the turn. To Luke's joy, Yuga drew their Duel ID cards on his next turn and successfully rewrote them into Maximum Monsters, but Luke was horrified when Yuga's Duel Disk couldn't handle the strain of Real-Time Rush Duel Programming. Kaizo then squirmed out of Romin's arms and indicated that Yuga should use his processing power to complete the installation, which Luke realized would likely erase the remnants of Kaizo. Yuga was reluctant to use Kaizo until he reminded him that beating Nail would return his original data, and after Yuga successfully stabilized the installation, Luke aided him in Maximum Summoning "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord".[17] Yuga used the effect of "Magnum Overlord" to increase its ATK higher than "Yggdrago", but Nail was able to protect "Yggdrago" from being destroyed and inflict the damage to Yuga as well, though the effect of "Magnum Overlord" protected itself from Nail's Trap. Nail powered-up "Yggdrago" on his next turn and attacked, though Yuga was able to negate the attack by returning "Magnum Overlord" to his hand. Before Yuga could re-Maximum Summon "Magnum Overlord", Nail returned it to his Deck, forcing him to hold out with "Sevens Road Magician" and "Sevens Road Witch". Luke noted that ordinary cards likely wouldn't be enough to defeat a Maximum, and was proven right when Nail was again able to protect "Yggdrago" and restored his LP to 4000. As Nail told them that this would be the last Rush Duel after reducing Yuga to 100 LP, Seatbastian reported that many other elementary students had declared their support for Yuga and also been penalized, prompting Luke to comment that they had more allies than they thought. Yuga was able to use card effects to re-draw his Maximum cards, but Nail returned them to the Deck again, though Yuga was able to draw it for a third time and Maximum Summon it. Nail reminded Yuga that his "Pair Destruction" Trap that they'd seen earlier that turn was still Set, which Luke noted would inflict 4000 damage to both of them if Yuga destroyed "Yggdrago" and cause a DRAW. Fortunately, Yuga was able to power-up "Magnum Overlord" even further with the effect of "Magnum Overlord [L]", allowing him to defeat Nail. After the Rush Duel, Seatbastian returned Kaizo to them, though Luke was exasperated at Kaizo's renewed fawning over Romin, and Nail revealed that he had been Dueling with five penalties as well and that his account had been deleted, though Luke's Duel ID was restored from "Magnum Overlord".[41]

Goha #6 Elementary

Luke decided to create a club to serve as a mecca for Rush Duels, which he named the "Luke Club". Yuga, Romin and Gavin found Luke in the Student Council Room after he'd decorated it with Dragon memorabilia, but to Luke's shock they all refused to join and left. Luke wasn't discouraged, visiting the Newspaper Club and Yosh in the Post-Apocalyptic Club to recruit them for the Luke Club, while also reaching out to students in other clubs, impressing the members of the Baseball, Basketball, and Soccer Clubs with his athletic skills, but misunderstanding their admiration for desire to teach them how to Rush Duel. They all turned him down, expressing dislike of a solitary game over their team sports, and Luke angrily admonished them for such thinking that way, declaring that the monsters in his Deck were his teammates. No-one came to the Luke Club, so Luke started activities by himself, Dueling against himself but finding himself crying when he picked up the "Gravity Press Dragon" he'd dropped. To Luke's shock, he suddenly found himself Dueling a phantom doppelganger of himself that claimed to be him, though Luke initially believed it to be the devil inside him, and it claimed that the loser would vanish. The Phantom Luke brought out "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and "Dragon Knight of Darkness", reducing Luke to 900 LP. Luke prepared to Summon "Dragias" himself on his next turn, but to his surprise he had a monster he'd never seen before; "Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias", which he used to win the Duel. After the Duel, Luke saw "Miragias" and thanked it, welcoming it to his Deck. Yuga, Romin and Gavin then came in, asking about "Miragias", and Yuga challenged Luke to a Rush Duel, while Gavin offered to have the Student Council certify the club, though he changed the name to "Rush Duel Club".[25]

As he was air Dueling in the park one day, a pigeon delivered an invitation to the Rush Duel Tournament to Luke, and he immediately signed the Rush Duel Club up for a Rush Duel Training Camp to prepare for it. As they required an advisor to participate in the camp, Seatbastian was assigned to them, explaining that Nail had tasked him with being their advisor. After they met with Saburamen, Sushiko, Briscoe, the Duel Dinosaur Club and the Battle Bug Club, Luke quickly started training his fellow club members, allowing Romin to take a break in an attempt to hone her periods of rage, though Yuga eventually disappeared. Yuga returned that night, having encountered Asana Mutsuba from Goha #6 Elementary's Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, but as he was discussing her with Luke, Gavin and the Dueling and Dinosaur Club, they were interrupted by Romin and Sushiko arguing over the television remote, as Sushiko wanted to watch Itamae's Case Files, a show Luke himself watched. At Yuga's suggestion, Romin and Sushiko Rush Dueled for the remote, while Luke looked up the hint for the day's show and turned the T.V. on to watch an ad for it, learning that Princess G, the guitarist who had given Romin her "Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar" card, was guest starring and snapping Romin out of her rage. Sushiko defeated Romin, so Luke promptly put Itamae's Case Files on, explaining to them that he watched it as well before Briscoe came in with dinner for them all.[42] Saburamen and his friends left on the second night, so Luke wound up eating all the food in the cabin and causing Seatbastian and the camp manager to leave for the administration building. The next morning Luke, Yuga, Romin, and Gavin were stranded at the cabin due to a massive trench that had been dug around it, and Luke selectively forgot that he had eaten it all the previous night, much to Romin's anger. Yuga sent Kaizo to get help from Seatbastian and the manager, and Gavin also pointed out that Rayne and Rino were on their way as well, but neither Kaizo nor the twins came to the cabin. They were finally rescued that evening by Galian Townsend from the Heavy Cavalry Club, and afterwards they went to find Kaizo for failing to come back for them.[43]

After the camp, the Rush Duel Club's entry form for the Rush Duel Tournament arrived, but when Luke took it to show Yuga, Gavin and Romin, they realized that it was actually a form for the "Trumpet Duet Tournament", something that took Luke a while to understand and earned him the ire of Romin and Gavin. Yuga suggested they enter the Trumpet Duet anyway, a sentiment Gavin and Seatbastian agreed with given the club had already submitted an entry notice, so they decided to seek help from the Music Club. Fearing the wrath of his sister, Luke was unwilling to go to the club and tried to convince his friends to leave before Tiger returned to the club, but it was to no avail as Tiger's club members attacked them before Tiger returned. Luke hid behind Yuga as they explained the situation to Tiger, constantly misinterpreting Tiger's insults towards him as jabs at Yuga and responding aggressively, only to be corrected by the girls at every turn. Tiger agreed to help them if they could defeat her, so Yuga challenged her to a Rush Duel despite Luke's warning. Luke hid behind Seatbastian during the Duel, and after Tiger pushed Yuga into a corner, she asked him what conclusion he wanted to reach at the end of his road, the same question she had asked Luke in their childhood. Luke believed that the title of "King of Duels" was Yuga's answer, only to be caught off-guard when Yuga reaffirmed that smiles was still his goal. Yuga was able to defeat Tiger, and Luke celebrated his friend's win, believing that he had finally defeated his sister in something as he had defeated Yuga himself, only to be shouted into the wall for not using his sister's nickname.[4] Tiger then began training them in wind instruments, a process that Luke found particularly hellish, and he decided to specialize in the trombone for the Trumpet Duet Tournament.[4][44]

On the day of the Trumpet Duet Tournament, Luke and his friends went to the dilapidated building the tournament was to be held in, a location Luke believed to be perfect for letting them make as much noise as they wanted. To their surprise, the building was full of people Rush Dueling who recognized Yuga (though Luke initially believed they were recognizing him). The tournament organizer, former Goha 6th Student Council president Janko Entant, explained that the tournament was really the Dark Rush Duel Tournament and was being held at the old Goha 6th campus; "Trumpet Duet" had simply been to disguise the true nature of the tournament from the public. As he explained the traumatic seizures he had developed from being defeated by the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club and how he needed to regularly draw to soothe them, Luke became angrier and angrier that his training had been wasted and he challenged Janko to a Rush Duel, which Janko accepted, believing Luke to be at Yuga's level. Janko used an ant Deck, something Luke believed his dragons would be able to easily defeat, though he had to refuse Janko's request to draw his cards for him. He brought out "Fire Guardian", but Janko destroyed it with his "Gi-ant Revolution" Trap, leaving Luke wide open. Luke was able to Special Summon "Volcano Attack Dragon" to defend himself after Janko Tribute Summoned "Antrebellion of the Rebellion", though he was only barely able to survive Janko increasing the ATK of all his 100 ATK ants. On his next turn, Luke Tribute Summoned "Insurrection Dragon", using its similar effect to maximize its ATK and prevent it from being destroyed by Janko's other "Gi-ant Revolution", defeating him. His anger subsided, Luke offered Janko a hand up after the Duel, reassuring him that he'd put up a good fight.[44]

Before they could start the tournament properly, the wall of the old campus was broken down by the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, led by Asana Mutsuba, Galian and Schubel Quill.[44][45] Yuga and Asana greeted one another politely, though Luke was more interested in Schubel's pigeon Pidgetrap. After Asana had the old campus demolished, citing the modified Rush Duels as an offense to Goha Duels, Yuga challenged Asana to a Rush Duel to allow the students of Goha #6 Elementary to Rush Duel freely. Asana pushed Yuga into a corner with her Wyrm monsters, which Luke identified to Gavin and Romin as differing from his Dragon monsters, though as Yuga made a comeback Luke was still bothered by Pidgetrap. He finally realized that Pidgetrap had delivered him the invitation to the Dark Rush Duel Tournament in the first place, and he tried to warn Yuga that the Duel was a trap, but was too late, as Asana Maximum Summoned "Wyrm Excavator the Heavy Cavalry Draco" and defeated Yuga. As a result of Yuga's loss, Luke and his friends had to transfer to Goha #6 Elementary along with Rayne and Rino, who had previously been defeated by Galian and forced to transfer as well.[45]

On his first day at Goha #6 Elementary, Luke was exhausted by the school's traditional morning run. Afterwards, he and Yuga noted that Asana had planned to transfer the to the school and they speculated as to where Asana had obtained Maximum Monsters, which Luke theorized had been excavated by the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club. After school that day, Kaizo came to Yuga in disguise to inform him of something while Luke and his friends concealed the Drone, and Yuga suggested they challenge the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club to a Rush Duel for the freedom to Rush Duel freely. Gavin challenged Galian to a Rush Duel, both to return to Goha 7th and to avenge Rayne's loss to him. Although Galian was able to damage Gavin on his first turn, Gavin was able to gain an early lead with "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer", though Galian in turn made a comeback by flipping "Yamiruler" face-down to dispel its effect and Special Summoning "Shield Boring Kong" to destroy it and increase its own ATK. Fortunately, Gavin was able to block the attack of Shield Boring Kong", something that prompted Luke and Yuga to agree that Gavin was Gavin even if he wasn't the Student Council President anymore, and Gavin defeated Galian with "Semeruler the Dark Summoner", also destroying Galian's Heavy Cavalry, GG03. After the Duel Galian reminisced on how he had helped raise Asana and he left Goha #6 Elementary, but Asana refused to allow Luke and his friends to leave after discovering that Yuga and Kaizo had been placing Roads across the campus. Asana sent them to the Abandoned Dorm, though Yuga explained he had wanted to be sent there to gain access to the mine at the dorm due to Luke's theory, which he believed contained the secrets of the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club.[46]

While they worked at the mine, Galian joined them in their labors, having decided to start from the basics, cautioning Luke to be careful with his shovel. When they broke for lunch, the oblivious Luke tried to get a massage from Seatbastian, and had to be restrained by his friends as Seatbastian and Kaizo had secretly been sent to ask Nail where Asana had obtained her Maximum Monsters. Later that day an alarm went off, causing the group to realize that Kaizo and Seatbastian had escaped successfully, and Luke and his friends seized their chance to escape into the mine, using their Duel Disk lights to see in the darkness.[47] As they moved through the mine, Luke idly picked up metal fragments he found on the ground to make a monster, only to learn Yuga had been dropping them to keep track of their trail and earning Romin's ire. They soon began to tire, though fortunately Tracker arrived with Kaizo, having been sent by Nail to help them find a cache of prototype Duel Disks buried in the outskirts of Goha City that Nail theorized could explain Asana's Maximum. Tracker began sniffing around, which Gavin recalled was how his excavation ability worked, and his sneeze opened an underground hallway.[48]

The hallway led them to the Heavy Cavalry Colosseum, where Schubel, Pidgetrap, and an exhausted Galian were waiting for them. Galian challenged them to a Duel to prevent them from passing with his place at Goha #6 Elementary on the line, but he passed out and Rayne caught him, then challenged them in his place. Luke wanted to Duel Rayne both due to her betrayal and his guilt over falling for Schubel's trap, but Rino accepted the Duel, and Gavin arranged for Luke to serve as his Sogetsu style attendant. Although Luke kept forgetting Rino was Dueling and not him, he was impressed by both the twins' Dueling skills, especially when Rino was able to end the Duel in a perfect DRAW, allowing Galian to remain at Goha 6th.[49] As there had been no victor, Schubel insisted on another Duel, and Luke accepted his challenge, still feeling responsible for falling for Asana's trap, but also being quick to fall for Schubel and Pidgetrap's childish pranks before their Duel even began. Instead of Schubel, Luke ended up Dueling Pidgetrap, with Schubel playing his cards for him, though Luke didn't care who he Dueled. Pidgetrap began with two Normal Monsters and three Set cards, prompting Luke to note that the pigeon really could Duel. Although Luke was able to Summon both "Shock Dragon" and "Ancient Arise Dragon" and briefly play through Pidgetrap's Traps, Pidgetrap's final Trap lowered the ATK of "Ancient Arise Dragon" enough to force a Double KO with his "Tyhone", much to Luke's dismay. Pidgetrap brought out "Night Vision the Phantom Pigeon" on his next turn to destroy "Shock Dragon" and Set three more Traps, reducing Luke to a nervous wreck as he now fearing making a move that would spring Pidgetrap's Traps, especially after Summoning a monster allowed Schubel to revive another "Night Vision". Although Pidgetrap was angry with Schubel over the move, Luke was too worried over the Traps to notice, eventually seeing Yuga talking about how one of his friends wanted to become the King of Duels and suggesting that Trap Cards were actually fun, as there was no way to know what would happen next. Remembering his dream and snapping out of his funk, Luke Tribute Summoned "Miragias", though Pidgetrap switched it to Defense Position with his "Brocoohearted Pigeon" Trap. Regardless, Luke still used the effect of "Miragias" to reduce the ATK of Pidgetrap's "Night Visions", before Summoning "Benevolent Dragon" to swap out "Miragias" with itself, allowing Luke to re-use the effect of "Miragias" and reduce the ATK of the "Night Visions" to zero. Enjoying the challenge posed by the Traps, Luke told the arguing Schubel and Pidgetrap to stick around as communicated with Pidgetrap with bird noises, attacking twice with "Miragias" to defeat Pidgetrap. After Schubel rescued Pidgetrap from the impact of Luke's attack, Luke continued speaking in bird noises as they left the room, with Yuga and Gavin translating for a confused Romin that Luke was eager to continue and find what lay ahead.[50]

Luke returned to speaking normally by the time they finally reached the mine, where Tracker quickly uncovered a prototype Duel Disk. After Yuga and Tracker dug up enough prototype Duel Disks for Yuga to extract three Duel ID cards and add them to his Deck, Luke began trying to find more with Tracker as Yuga explained that Asana had likely created her own Maximum with Duel ID cards from the mine. Asana and the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club then arrived and she confirmed Yuga's theory, angering Luke that she had kept the mine for the club and he tried to court favor with her, only to be told that most of the Duel ID cards in the Duel Disks couldn't be used due to their age. Asana challenged Yuga to another Duel, agreeing to allow the students of Goha #6 Elementary to Rush Duel freely if she lost as she had when they last Dueled, but with the condition that Rush Dueling would be banned at all elementary schools in Goha City if she won. Yuga was barely able to fend off "Wyrm Excavator", though Luke was confident that he could endure the Maximum. To Luke's surprise, Asana revealed that she knew Yuga was planning on using "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" against her and urged him to Summon it, though Yuga confirmed that he'd added the three Duel ID cards to his Deck and was gambling on being able to recreate "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord". To Luke's joy, Yuga succeeded in drawing and Maximum Summoning "Magnum Overlord", and Luke cheered its return as Yuga powered it up and attacked "Wyrm Excavator". However, Asana was able to make the ATK of their Maximum Monsters equal, and as they destroyed one another, Asana's Maximum cards began to disintegrate, and Luke was the first to notice that Yuga's were as well; Gavin ruling that whoever's Maximum was destroyed first would take the ATK of the other.[51] The two Maximum Monsters destroyed each other at the same time, much to Luke's horror, and he desperately tried to gather the scattered fragments of the cards. Asana pushed Yuga into a corner with "Constructor Wyrm Buildragon", but R6 began breaking down as the parts to fix it were no longer manufactured and the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club refused to modifiy their machines to fix them, a philosophy that Luke dismissed as weird hang-ups. Asana revealed that Goha Enterprises had promised to remanufacture the parts if she won and tried to defeat Yuga, but he was able to survive and make a comeback with "Steel Mech Lord Mirror Innovator". As Yuga prepared to defeat Asana, the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club banded together to prevent R6 from breaking down and though Luke believed they had to win the Duel to become the King of Duels, he wondered if Yuga would still go through with his attack. After Yuga defeated Asana and R6 was destroyed, Yuga revealed R0, a mobile Duel Device created and modified by Mutsuba Heavy Machinery that convinced the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club to allow Yuga to repair and modify their equipment.[52]

Team Battle Royal

Following Asana's defeat, Luke and his friends returned to Goha #7 Elementary, where Gavin was mortified to find the Student Council room had fallen into disrepair while he was gone. As Luke and Yuga helped clean the room up, Romin revealed that Princess G had been fired by Goha Enterprises for speaking out in favor of Rush Dueling and remained despondent throughout the day. Luke came to see Yuga and Romin's student teacher Gwendoline Purdy during recess and quickly deduced she was Princess G, noting her similar grip of a tennis racket and the tuna she had carried on Itamae's Case Files, but was shocked when Romin declared her intention to quit Rush Dueling after one last Duel with Yuga. Luke and Gavin cheered Romin on throughout the Duel, but were consistently told off by her for doing so. Romin was able to make a comeback with "Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar" and Luke was shocked that she hadn't awoken as she usually did; Romin insisted she didn't want to rely on awakening to win a Duel. Defeating Yuga, Romin explained that she had decided not to quit Rush Dueling after all.[53]

Luke, Romin and Gavin learned that a Maximum Monster had been found in a booster pack, and before class Luke, Gavin and Yuga discussed the notion of Goha Enterprises accepting Rush Dueling, only to be informed by Rayne that she was graduating from the Student Council. As he had been the runner-up for Student Council President in the previous election, Luke made a power grab for Rayne's former position with Kaizo and took advantage of his newfound influence to paint Goha #7 Elementary the color of "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" in a celebration of his new position as the Newspaper Club interviewed him. After school Gavin confronted him, but to Luke's terror his sister arrived and after he forgot to use her nickname again she yelled him and Kaizo into a wall.[19]

Goha Enterprises announced the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal, which would crown the winner the King of Duels, which Luke was keen to enter, though Romin and Gavin noted that they would have to choose one of them to sit out the tournament. Yuga volunteered to sit the tournament out, much to Luke's anger, and after almost hitting him, he decided to distract himself by searching for Maximum Monsters at Maximum Mountain with Tracker, asking the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club for permission to dig there. He told Asana, Galian, Schubel and Pidgetrap about the tournament and Yuga's refusal to enter, and Asana deduced why Yuga hadn't entered and suggested Luke and Yuga weren't as close as they thought when Luke was unable to understand what she meant. As Luke and Tracker entered the mineshaft at the Abandoned Dorm, they were surprised to find themselves surrounded by string lights that made it seem like outer space, which had been set up by Goha #5 Elementary's Duelstronauts, who were also searching for Maximum Monsters. Their leader, Booster Page, challenged Asana to a Rush Duel for the right to excavate in the mine, and Asana agreed under the condition Booster Duel Luke instead. Luke accepted the challenge and dealt early damage to Booster with "Nightbringer Dragon", but Booster reduced its ATK and Level with the effects of his "Outer Space" Field Spell and "Spyturtles" while increasing the ATK of his "Rocketortoise Modularchelon", inflicting drastic damage to Luke's LP. On his next turn, Luke Summoned "Gravity Plus Dragon", but found himself wondering which Dragons to Summon; "Dragorite", "Sylphidra" or "The Fire Dragon", each with the same ATK and that he could only summon two of, a predicament he likened to the choice of which of his friends to have on his team for the tournament. Eventually he realized that Yuga didn't want to take his friends' dreams from them, and he discarded "Dragorite", the card representing Yuga, to activate the effect of "Gravity Plus Dragon" and increase its ATK, while rising into "Outer Space" with "Mountain". He defeated Booster as Romin and Gavin arrived, and they discussed their realization of what Yuga had intended by sitting out the tournament. Asana congratulated Luke on figuring out Yuga's intentions and gave them permission to dig in the mine. Luke invited the Duelstronauts to dig with them, but they were unable to find any Duel ID cards and reported back to Yuga at the Road Laboratory, stating that they had instead found his true feelings. Luke asked Yuga to stay with them in the tournament, and Yuga promised to follow them.[54]

Luke decided to name their team "Team King Luke's Kings", a name that Romin and Gavin Dueled him over, but he defeated them and retained the right to name the team.[55] On the day of registration at Goha Stadium, Luke tried to talk Yuga into joining the team, but suddenly found himself alone during his boasting. Eventually he found Yuga, Romin and Gavin inside when it was time to register, but as they entered they overheard Schubel and Galian arguing with the tournament staff for barring Pidgetrap from participating in the feverish Asana's place. Although reluctant to do so, Luke suggested that Yuga take Asana's place instead, though Yuga was still reluctant. To Luke's shock, Otes showed up in person and challenged Yuga to a Duel, cryptically hinting at the true purpose of the tournament. Luke was impressed by Otes' use of the legendary "Summoned Skull", which he used to push Yuga into a corner as he cautioned Yuga for standing by and letting Rush Dueling become as static as Goha Dueling. Yuga was able to retrieve his "Sevens Road Magician" with his new "Sevens Road Warlock", but Otes returned his monsters in his Graveyard to his Deck to prevent Yuga from powering up "Sevens Road Magician", though Luke reassured the other spectators that Yuga wouldn't let this defeat him. He was proven right by Yuga's use of "Sevens Twin Burst" to increase the ATK of "Sevens Road Magician" high enough to defeat "Summoned Skull" and Otes. After the Duel, Otes was arrested due to his disqualification from the 666th Goha Dueling Tournament and Yuga decided to learn the true purpose of the tournament by joining Schubel and Galian's team.[56]

Luke eagerly chanted alongside during the opening ceremonies of the tournament, and watched as Roa, Tyler and Toombs interrupted the Goha President's opening speech and Roa challenged the President to a Duel to talk with Otes. Luke was confused by Gavin's claim that Roa was Dueling Mimi and watched as the President's Deck countered Roa's own strategies and pushed him into a corner. Roa was able to make a comeback by bringing out his two ace monsters, then Tributing them for "Royal Rebel's Doom Metal" and defeat the Goha President, but to Luke's shock they learned that Otes had escaped. Roa's treatment of Tyler and Toombs caused them to abandon him again, and Galian and Schubel had to leave as well after Caterpillio Elephantis called them to reinforce Asana, so Yuga and Roa teamed up at Romin's suggestion, though Luke pointed out they needed another team member. To his shock, Yuga called Nail in for their third team member, creating a team that Luke described as way too stacked.[57]

Although Luke, Romin and Gavin initially easily climbed to the top of the leaderboard on the first day of the tournament, they were soon overtaken by Team YNR, much to Luke's frustration. He confronted Yuga over the matter at the Ramen Hut, accusing him of "abandoning" him and lamenting over not having a Maximum Monster despite them supposedly being distributed in the tournament. Tracker, Diggs and Trench then arrived, Tracker having become far wealthier since Luke had last seen them and their team being third on the leaderboard, and Tracker challenged Yuga to a Duel. Luke watched Yuga and Tracker's Rush Duel, disgusted by Tracker's use of "Sneezing Greedizauls". To his utter fury, Tracker Maximum Summoned "Dynamic Dino Dynamix", and Rayne revealed that Tracker, Diggs and Trench had been distributing Maximums. Luke's seething rage over the matter intimidated Diggs and Trench into confessing that Tracker had strip-mined Maximum Mountain before Luke had taken them there, but Yuga revealed that Nail, Roa and Asana had given him the pieces to create a new Maximum Monster, "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan", and he defeated Tracker. After the Duel, Tracker, Diggs and Trench apologized and Luke tried to "confiscate" their Maximums, but to his dismay they had sold all of them already. Yuga then commented on the difficulty of Tracker excavating all the Duel Disks from Maximum Mountain on his own, and Tracker admitted he'd had help from an individual calling himself "Goha 66".[55]

Luke and his friends decided to investigate Goha 66; while Yuga, Roa and Nail searched the Goha Enterprises database for information, Luke, Romin and Gavin headed for Maximum Mountain, though Luke misinterpreted their purpose as going there for Maximum Monsters. They came upon several Duelists who had been eliminated from the tournament and who tried to re-enter the tournament by Dueling them, and Luke eagerly volunteered to Duel them, though he was eventually exhausted by his opponents. Fortunately they were rescued by Saburamen, Briscoe, Sushiko, the Newspaper Club and the Post-Apocalyptic Club, and at Scoop's suggestion Luke, Romin and Gavin fled with Saburamen, Briscoe and Sushiko. They soon came upon a Stonehenge that hade been made of cake, which the starving Luke and Romin proceeded to devour, ignoring the ensuing Duel between Briscoe and Prioria Sweetalina.[58] Afterwards they continued onto Maximum Mountain, though Luke and Romin were full from their meal and broke a rope bridge under their weight, forcing them to swim off their meal to escape. Eventually they arrived at the Abandoned Dorm, where Tyler, Toombs, and Kaizo were waiting to prevent them from going into the mine, though Luke had forgotten their names and mistook them for Kit Schrödinger and Buff Grimes until he was corrected. Kaizo was operating a new robot body and working for Goha 66, claiming that he had grown sick of the abuse that Luke and Yuga put him through and declaring his intentions to modify Luke, Romin and Gavin into his personal servants; Luke he wanted to make his obedient subordinate. He challenged Luke to a Rush Duel that Luke eagerly accepted, but despite bringing out "Dragias", Luke was unable to destroy any of Kaizo's monsters due to Kaizo's "Battle Demotion" and "Salary Slash" Traps and Kaizo further revealed that he had come to sympathize with Goha 66 after trying to find Tiger to beat Luke and his friends up, as their desire to leave Goha Enterprises in a blaze of glory had moved him. He brought out "Worker Warrior - Sinister CEO" to retrieve his two Traps and almost defeated Luke, but Luke was able to barely hang on with "Dragon's Fortitude". On his next turn, Luke took advantage of Kaizo's full field to reduce the ATK of his monsters with the effect of "Stock Buster Dragon", then brought out "Dragonic Slayer" to destroy one of Kaizo's Traps, successfully destroying the more dangerous "Battle Demotion", allowing him to defeat Kaizo. After the Duel Tyler and Toombs admitted they hadn't known there was so much happening behind the scenes of the tournament, and Luke told them he believed Roa had genuinely wanted to team up with them, as he wouldn't have needed them to get to Otes. Romin suggested that Luke understood Roa so well due to his own desire ot team up with Yuga, a claim that Luke didn't dispute. Briscoe then alerted them that Kaizo was escaping, so Luke used his power to disable Kaizo and found his confession switch. He brought Kaizo into Maximum Mountain, where he found that his sister and the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club had defeated all the members of Goha 66 and forced Kaizo to reveal that Goha 66 sought to take over Goha Enterprises and the Dueling world by gaining control of the main Dueling server buried beneath Maximum Mountain.[59] After he sent a message to Yuga using Pidgetrap, Luke was terrified to see his sister there and was yelled into a wall for not calling her by her nickname and interrupting her impending Duel with Asana. Luke hid behind Gavin throughout the Duel, denying any knowledge of his role in the incident that had ended Tiger and Asana's childhood friendship, only cheering up when he was called by his nickname. Schubel eventually confirmed Asana had been rescuing him instead of looking for Luke when he went missing, quelling Tiger's anger. Asana defeated Tiger and reconciled with her, but Luke ruined the moment by addressing Tiger with Asana's nickname for her, resulting in Tiger yelling him into a wall that shattered beneath him, revealing the supposed main server Goha 66 had been looking for. However Kaizo revealed that it was too small to contain the information Goha 66 wanted and the leader of Goha 66 revealed that someone had told them about the server in a note reading "My best, most awesome plan to take over Goha". Luke confiscated the note and had Pidgetrap fly it to Yuga, even as the day concluded with his team only seven points behind Yuga's and due to meet them in the finals the next day.[28]

When the teams met in Goha Stadium the next day, Luke reaffirmed his goal to become the King of Duels to Yuga and continue with his own "daor". The first match was Romin vs. Roa, who gained a quick lead over Romin with "Royal Rebel's Doom Metal", though despite Gavin's worries Luke was confident that Romin could still win. Romin pushed Roa into a corner, but after Tyler and Toombs returned to support Roa he made a comeback with all three of his ace monsters and almost defeated Romin. Despite her situation, Luke could tell that Romin was enjoying herself and she used the combo she had used to defeat Yuga in combination with "Climax Finale" to Summon "Prima Guitarna" and increase its ATK, before Summoning "Endoll". Luke proceeded to lead the rest of the crowd in chanting the monster's name as Romin used its effect to retrieve and reactivate "Climax Finale", increasing the ATK of "Prima Guitarna" high enough to defeat "Doom Metal" and defeat Roa, putting Luke's team on equal points with Yuga's.[60] The next match was Gavin vs. Nail and Gavin admitted some insecurity for Rayne leaving his service because he wasn't distinguished enough, prompting Luke to agree that Nail was more distinguished than Gavin. To Luke's shock, Gavin unveiled a hipster-themed "DJ G" persona in an effort to become more distinguished and Luke came to believe that this was Gavin's way of dealing with the pressure of facing "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor", praising him for staying calm. Nail quickly Maximum Summoned "Yggdrago" and pushed Gavin into a corner, but fortunately Gavin returned to his normal garb and manner on his next turn after a power outage, bringing out "Karchizark the Unequaled" and increasing its ATK higher than "Yggdrago", though Nail was able to prevent the destruction of "Yggdrago". Gavin was able to weather the effects of "Yggdrago" on his next turn, but Nail destroyed "Karchizark" with "Tribute to The Doomed", forcing Gavin to end the Duel in a DRAW. Rayne returned to Gavin's service after the Duel, and Oceania Illumilina announced that Luke and Yuga would have the deciding Duel of the finals, Luke once again vowing to become the King of Duels.[61]

Before the Duel Luke thanked Romin and Gavin for getting him to this point and told Yuga how happy he was to be with him in the finals, asking him not to hold back in their Rush Duel, though he couldn't stop himself admitting he wouldn't mind if Yuga let him win. To Luke's disappointment Yuga only Summoned "Sevens Road Magician" after changing his hand with "Amazing Dealer" and he reminded Yuga that he'd said nothing would hold him back, including a bad hand. He brought out "Dragias" and "Dragorite" and destroyed "Sevens Road Magician", but Yuga activated "Surprising Barcode" and revealed the pieces of "Vast Vulcan" from the top of his Deck to prevent the damage. Yuga Maximum Summoned "Vast Vulcan" and reminded Luke he was keeping his promise as he pushed Luke into a corner with the effects of "Vast Vulcan", but Luke was able to regain 3000 LP by drawing two Level 7 monsters, including "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias". To Luke's shock the power began to fail again due to the Goha Duel Server being hacked as revealed by Tyler. Luke noted Yuga likely had an idea of what was going on and was surprised to learn Yuga had tasked the Duelstronauts with examining the surface of the moon. To Luke's shock the moon was revealed to have the Goha Duel Server carved into it, and the Rush Duel program contained in a carving of a robot that Yuga had designed, which Luke dubbed the "Luke Robot", and which was slowly being eroded by Goha Enterprises Drones in an effort to uninstall Rush Dueling.[62] Nail confirmed the process, likely set in motion by Otes, couldn't be stopped, so the best option would be to stop the Rush Duel. Both Luke and Yuga promptly agreed to continue the Duel, Roa encouraging them to give the crowd a last encore. Luke Tribute Summoned "Metagias" and combined its effect with his "Steel Force" Trap, weakening "Vast Vulcan" enough to him to destroy and he celebrated defeating a Maximum. On his next turn Yuga Summoned "Steel Mech Lord Mirror Innovator" and "Thunderbold, the Blazing Thunder", then revived "Sevens Road Magician", but Luke refused to lose and protected "Metagias" from being destroyed with "Unbreakable Barrier", surviving with 100 LP. On his next turn Luke Summoned "Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias" and revived "Dragias", activating the multi-attacking effects of all three Dragons, and Yuga continued to withstand his attacks with his own Level 7 aces until Luke had the second attack of "Dragias" left and Luke declared the King of Duels would be born here, but to his shock Yuga returned all his monsters to his hand with "Sevens Road Force". However, Yuga also Special Summoned "Sevens Road Magician" again, giving Luke the opportunity to use "Dragon Encounter" to Special Summon "Dragias" again and attack, defeating Yuga and winning the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal.[63]

As Luke thanked his friends for helping him win, "Dragias" vanished and Luke realized Rush Dueling had been uninstalled and wondered if this had been the true purpose of the tournament Otes meant. To Luke's shock Rush Dueling was suddenly re-installed; Yuga had been doing so with Nail's help all match and had contained it in a new Super Rush Robot made from space debris. As the crowd cheered for Rush Dueling, Gavin and Romin congratulated Luke and Yuga on immortalizing Rush Dueling, and as Gavin and Romin didn't want the title due to Otes' actions behind the tournament, Luke was crowned the sole King of Duels by the Goha President.[20][63]

Goha 6 Siblings

As a result of Luke's new status as King of Duels he became extremely arrogant and in his efforts to expand the Rush Duel Club's members he began demanding to be addressed as the King of Duels at school, though his efforts failed to gain the club any new members. One day he found a boy in a chameleon costume in the bushes and took him to the Rush Duel Clubroom to induct him, nicknaming him "Swirls" and introducing him to Romin and Gavin. Luke aggressive questioning caused Swirls to flee, and though Luke laughed it off due to Swirls' energy, he recognized himself in Swirls' running away from his true desires and went after him with Romin and Gavin. Eventually they found Kaizo by himself and asked if he'd seen Swirls; Kaizo took them to the Hologram Man's chamber where they found Yuga and Swirls with Otes, Yuga having just suggested Swirls Rush Duel Otes. Swirls tried to run away again, but bumped into Luke, who asked how long Swirls intended to run from his true desires. Swirls protested he'd never Rush Dueled before, but Luke reassured him they were with him and gave him Yuga's Duel Disk for the Duel. Luke cheered Swirls on as he and Otes recreated Yuga and Otes' first Rush Duel, informing him of the rule to draw until he held five cards each turn. Instead of "Sevens Road Magician", Swirls drew "Sevens Road Wiz", but was able to use it to reduce the ATK of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to zero and defeat Otes. After the Duel Otes noted they had no proof he was behind the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal and suggested it had been a good thing, as the Rush Duel program had become stronger. Swirls then asked to join the Rush Duel Club, and Luke eagerly accepted him in. However the next day the kids at school began calling him "The Lukeman" and he fled in embarrassment to the Rush Duel clubroom, his ego cowed, while Swirls stood guard for him.[20]

As Luke and Gavin helped Yuga and Kaizo dry Swirls, Yosh and the Music Club's costumes at school one day, a massive spaceship entered the atmosphere and docked with the Goha Enterprises Main Office. The ship's inhabitants were the Goha Six, the true Goha Presidents, and they challenged Yuga and his friends to Rush Duels by holding the Super Rush Robot hostage with Forcersizers that would force it to stretch until it shook itself apart. Luke initially believed the Goha Six to be aliens and was incensed when they told Yuga he would be a Goha employee if they lost six times, angrily asking why he was being ignored and asking to be a Goha employee himself. However he was moved by the arrival of Yuro Goha, who challenged Yuga to a Turbo Rush Duel, but angered by the perceived betrayal of Nail, who aided the Goha Six by providing a racetrack for Yuro. Luke was shocked by the high ATK of Yuro's "Cyber-Tech Alligator", boosted further by Yuro's "Following World" Field Spell, though Yuga was able to gain an early lead with "Sevens Road Witch" and "Sevens Road Magician". On his next turn Yuro brought out two more monsters to assemble enough ATK to defeat Yuga, and while Romin and Gavin believed Yuga's Set "Dark Revelation" could save him, Luke warned them things wouldn't go so smoothly. He was proven right when Yuro lowered the ATK of his own monster to destroy "Dark Revelation" and depleted most of Yuga's LP, but fortunately Yuga was able to come back with "Lightning Voltcondor" on his next turn and defeat Yuro. After the Turbo Rush Duel, Yuro deactivated the first restraint from the Super Rush Robot and was then removed from his position for losing by his younger brother, though he reassured Luke and his friends he didn't mind, as it gave him new freedom in life.[64]

Two days later Luke was stretching at Goha #7 Elementary when the second Goha Six, Yujin Goha, arrived in a boat on wheels singing a love ballad for the sea, something Luke appreciated. Yujin challenged Yuga to a Rush Duel, and Nail provided an artificial sea for Yujin to Duel in that Romin almost fell into; fortunately Yuro, who had transferred to Goha #7 Elementary, rescued her. After Seatbastian provided Luke and his friends with swimwear, Yuga admitted he couldn't swim, so Luke took the challenge instead, swimming out to face Yujin. Yujin's Sea Serpent monsters impressed Yujin, though he was less impressed by Yujin's claim a dolphin gave him the cards given his own communication with Pidgetrap. Luke Summoned "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and "Sylphidra", but Yujin changed them into Defense Position after Luke destroyed his monsters. On his next turn Yujin Special Summoned "Levia-Dragon - Daedalus" and sent his "Umi" to the Graveyard to destroy all other cards on the field, almost defeating Luke. Fortunately Luke was able to Tribute Summon "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias" and bring out his two "Fortitude Dragons" to reduce the ATK of "Daedalus" low enough to destroy, though Yujin made a last gambit with "Dolphin Counterattack", hoping to draw "Umi" to damage Luke's LP. However he drew "Stream" instead and the sea drained due to Kaizo pulling out the plug, allowing Luke to defeat Yujin and deactivate the second of the Super Rush Robot's restraints.[26]

Luke heard about the Goha Monsters baseball team's tryouts and learned of the "King of Stolen Bases" one could become. He decided he wanted to acquire these skills to steal Yuga's seat from him once Yuga eventually became Goha President and signed the Rush Duel Club up for the tryouts, informing them of his decision at school one day. When they attended tryouts, Luke worked solely on his base-stealing technique until Yuka Goha arrived and challenged Romin to a Rush Duel. Luke's "Sportsdragon Closer", "Sportsdragon Slugger" and "Sportsdragon Pitcher" fell out of his Deck and told him they wanted to become part of the Dueling baseball world, so Luke called a time-out before the Duel began and gave the three cards to Romin, asking her to add them to her Deck. After Yuka's "Player #39: Home Run Hitter" gained Yuka an early lead over Romin, she drew two of Luke's cards and Luke unsuccessfully tried to signal her to use them, explainig why he'd given the cards to Romin. Luke's "Sportsdragon Closer" proved to be a useful asset for Romin due to gaining ATK from Yuka's "Feverous Spirit Stadium" Field Spell, though Yuka was able to remain in the Duel with "Requesting 9" and defeated Romin on her next turn after reviving "Home" and using its effect. After the Duel Luke apologized to Yuga for trying to take his seat of Goha President through deception, vowing to do so honorably and declared himself the King of Stolen Bases after taking one of the bases. Gavin told him off for actually stealing, and a tearful Luke returned the base, declaring he would give up on being the King of Stolen Bases for now.[65]

While Romin expressed regret over losing to Yuka, Luke haughtily reassured her they would be fine as long as they had him on their side, prompting Rayne to shush him while Gavin was finishing Student Council work. After Gavin finished, Shinken Tsurugi and Kotetsuki Mendo of the Kendo Club arrived, having been injured by Tiger when they misnamed her while requesting training, a story that sent Luke hiding behind Gavin, and they asked Gavin to substitute for them in the weekend's kendo tournament. However, when Luke accompanied Gavin to the Goha Martial Arts Stadium they found it deserted save Yuran Goha and his attendant Goha Enterprises Drone Mrs. Drone, who challenged them to a Kendo Rush Duel, and Gavin and Rino accepted. Luke took note of Mrs. Drone' care for Yuran, comparing her to his grandmother and celebrated Gavin swiftly Summoning "Kimeruler the Dark Raider" to inflict significant damage to Yuran. However Yuran was able to blunt Gavin's efforts with Trap Cards, prompting both Luke and Yuga to notice something about his Dueling. Swirls then arrived with Shinken's rival Ryu Nito, who revealed Yuran had defeated all the kendo participants before they arrived and to Luke's shock, Yuran, who had allowed Mrs. Drone to talk for him beforehand, began to speak for himself and quickly evened the score by destroying "Kimeruler". Gavin Summoned "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter" and swapped her ATK and DEF with "Shield & Sword", a move Luke knew was due to the likely high DEF of Yuran's Tribute Set monster. Gavin then used the effect of "Kimeluna" to change Yuran's "Millennium Shield" into Attack Position and reinforced his LP and monsters against being destroyed by Yuran's Traps. Unfortunately Yuran counterattacked with "Sword & Shield", switching the ATk and DEF of "Kimeluna" and "Millennium Shield" and defeated Gavin, Mrs. Drone explaining Yuran's true strategy was to wait for a counterattack. As they left, Luke wondered if Yuran had really predicted the entire Duel from the beginning.[7]

As their score with the Goha Six was now tied 2-2, Gavin decided to hold a meeting to counter the Goha Six but Luke decided to go to the Ramen Hut first as their gyoza promotion was ending and he told Yuga he would catch up later. As he returned to Goha #7 Elementary that evening he saw Yuga walking through the corridors and ran after him, only to find "Yuga" was a puppet and he screamed in fear. Once he got over his shock, he took the puppet with him and went looking for Yuga, eventually finding him Dueling Yuo Goha in a circus tent. Once he arrived Yuo used a Spell Card, "Fusion" to fuse two of his monsters into the Cyborg-Type "Metarion Ashurastar", using its Multi-Choice Effect to gain the ATK of "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan" and defeated Yuga, putting their score at 2-3.[66]

The following day Luke, Romin, Gavin and Swirls found Yuga methodically hammering at his Blowvinator at the Road Laboratory, a state that terrified Luke, believing Yuga's loss to Yuo had driven him mad. Yuga announced his intention to visit Yuo at his ship, the Super Mobile Fortress Sixross, and he took Luke, Romin and Gavin with his on his Road; Swirls instead went to Goha Library to look for a hint to help Yuga. Luke worried Yuga planned to kill Yuo for his loss before they crash-landed on Sixross and his worries were exacerbated further when Romin revealed she'd brought "Prima Guitarna Curry" with her to help Yuga and Yuo make up, given the explosive quantities of her Dragias Curry. They fell into Yuka's baseball field, where they were set upon by Drones pitching baseballs at them, and poor Luke was given Romin's curry to protect from the Drones while Romin and Gavin deflected the balls before Yuo dropped them down a trapdoor while taking Yuga to him for an audience. Luke feel into the kitchen, Romin barely snatching the curry from him, and she suggested she could use the ingredients there to improve it, a sentiment Luke and Gavin greatly disagreed with. Eventually they found Yuga in Yuo's room, guhing over the possibilities of where "Fusion" came from, as Yuo didn't know the card's origin and explaining he'd been acting strange because he hadn't slept from excitement since his loss. Yuga then passed out and a furious Yuo set his puppets on them; Luke carried Yuga as they fled. When the puppets cornered them, Luke suggested denotating Romin's curry, though Gavin worried it could destroy Goha City, but fortunately Kaizo arrived with Tiger and the Music Club. Luke almost triggered Tiger's rage by calling her his big sister, though Romin and Gavin covered his mouth before he could do so, but Tiger ended up unleashing her rage anyway after her club members called her "president". After Kaizo was trapped in Yuo's iron maiden and launched into space, Yuro arrived to give them all a ride off Sixross. Once Yuro returned Tiger and her friends home, he dropped Luke, Yuga, Romin and Gavin at the Road Laboratory, revealing Yuo's "Fusion" had been in debris that struck Goha Space Elementary. After Yuro left, Swirls and Mimi arrived with a book called "SEVENS", detailing the tale of seven heroes they suspected had inspired the "Sevens Road" monsters and while apparently ended in tragedy through circumstances in missing pages, something that gave Yuga an idea.[67]

Yuga took the Rush Duel Club to have dinner with RoaRomin at Big Seven Arena, where he excitedly told told Roa about "Fusion" before taking everyone outside to watch for the Goha Meteor Shower. Luke practiced tongue twisters so he could wish as quickly as possible on the first shooting star he saw, but after Gavin and Romin asked him about it he realized he was already the King of Duels and didn't know what to wish for. The question plagued him for the rest of the night to the point he paid little attention to the ensuing Duel between Roa and Yuka, which ended in Roa's victory.[68] After returning home, Luke decided to try and replicate Romin's Dragias Curry without its explosive quantities, though he only succeeded in making yellow curry he nevertheless enjoyed and proclaimed "Bunker Strike Curry".[13] As he collapsed after dinner by his bed he saw that his "The Lukeman" manga was missing and panicked, hoping Tiger hadn't found it, but then noticed a blue light outside his window and ran out after it, hoping it was the Goha Meteor Shower so he could make a wish on what to wish for.[68]

Instead Luke found a drone inhabited by The Lukeman, which took control of his body. Under the Drone's influence, Luke believed himself to be his childhood superhero persona, The Lukeman, and he didn't return home. The following afternoon, The Lukeman emerged from the forest at the Goha 6th Quarry to challenge Yuo to a Duel, denying he was Luke to Yuga, Tiger, Romin, Swirls and Gavin and vowing not to let an oppressor like Yuo succeed. Although Yuo brought out "Daigyakutenno Megami" on his first turn and backed it up with "Imaginary Arc Turret" to prevent monsters with 2500 or more ATK from attacking, The Lukeman efficiently Summoned "The Star Dragon" and used its effect to lower its own ATK and lower that of "Daigyakutenno Megami" even further to destroy it. Yuo responded with "Fusion" on his next turn, fusing "Imaginary Actor" with the Dragon "Serpainter" into "Metarion Vritrastar" to counter The Lukeman's Dragon monsters, destroying "The Star Dragon" with its effect and powering up "Vritrastar" enough to defeat The Lukeman. Fortunately The Lukeman was able to survive with "The Barrier" and vowed not to give up, drawing his own copy of "Fusion" on his next turn and fusing "Dragias" with "The Dragon" into "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F". Yuo attempted one last counter by matching the Type of the "Serpainter" in his Graveyard with "Dragiastar F" using "Imaginary Arc Turbulence", but failed due to the High Dragon-Type of "Dragiastar F", and The Lukeman defeated Yuo before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.[13]

When the smoke cleared Luke had been released and woke up with no memory of the experience. He was shocked to learn he had used "Fusion" and horrified he was being referred to as "The Lukeman". Luke then witnessed Yuran's attempt to remove Yuo from his position, only for Yuo to reveal he had the presidential badge of the unknown sixth Goha Six in his possession and he removed Yuran for treason.[13] Luke decided to remain at the Goha Sixth Quarry to look for "Fusion", and he was approached by Yuo and the President Drone. Yuo told Luke that he had realized he was the sixth Goha Six and a Goha President due to his perfect Rush Dueling record, and though Luke knew deep down it wasn't true, the promise of power and the chance to escape from his expectations to inherit Kallister Gears proved to be too much for him to resist, and he sided with Yuo.[6][9] Yuo took Luke to the Goha Enterprises Main Office, where they found Roa, Mimi and Swirls, who had snuck into the building using disguises. Luke proudly announced he was the sixth Goha Six to the entire city and Yuo suggested he Duel Roa for the day's match, though Roa wasn't initially interested until Yuo suggested he was running away. Roa began defensively with his two "Royal Rebel's No Wave", and on his turn Luke assembled the materials he needed to Fusion Summon, while drawing through his Deck in an effort to draw "Fusion" itself, but he was unsuccessful, so he used "Dragias" in combination with "Porcupine Dragon" and "Mountain" to surpass the high DEF of the two "No Wave". On his next turn however Roa Tribute Summoned "Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal" and "Royal Rebel's Doom Metal" and used their effects to destroy Luke's monsters, bitterly remarking on how he had wanted to Duel Luke due to his strength and claiming he was relying on "Fusion" now and that he had fallen from grace. Roa's insults sent Luke into despair, and he mournfully activated "7 Chance" to protect himself but was shocked when he drew three Level 7 Monster Cards, gaining enough LP to weather both of Roa's attacks. Proclaiming the god of Duels watched over him, Luke brought out "Metagias" and "Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias" on his next turn, then revived "Dragias", allowing him to defeat Roa. Luke was in awe of his presidential power, while Roa was ejected from the building.[9]

Yuo took Luke to Sixross, and Luke began calling him "big brother" before Yuo told him off, reminding Luke he was older thnan Yuo. Yuo showed Luke his room, telling him he could stay there, but though Luke was appreciative at first he was horrified by Yuo's gear-patterned wallpaper and began clawing it off the walls, setting off his wristwatch. Yuo quickly reassured Luke he would change it while Luke picked up his spare underwear from home, so Luke returned home with the President Drone in tow, calling out for his mother as he looked for his underwear. As Luke brushed off the President Drone's queries about not knowing where his underwear was despite being in fifth-grade, Tiger found him in the corridors and furiously yelled him and the President Drone into the garden, furiously asking why he'd thoughtlessly claimed to be a Goha Six and challenging him to a Duel, intending to beat some sense into him. She angrily asked why he'd said what he had and he insisted a Goha President was a Goha President, protesting he didn't want to just become a cog of society. Vance tried to convince Luke that gears were great, but this only reduced Luke to a whining mess until Tiger told him off for whining about his future when he was too young to understand. Luke protested he did understand and would prove his maturity in the Duel, bringing out his two "Fortitude Dragons" to weaken Tiger's "Digisoon the Music Fiend" and then Summoning "Ancient Arise Dragon" at full power, but Tiger easily deflected his attack. On Tiger's next turn Luke could only cower in fear as she brought out "Trumpetiger the Music Fiend" and "Digisoon" again, and as he activated "Dragon's Fortitude" to defend himself, The Lukeman took control of him again and stopped Tiger's other attack as well. The Lukeman brought out "Dragias" and "The Dragon" on his next turn and fused them into "Dragiastar F", this time using its other Multi-Choice effect to power up "Dragiastar F" and allow it to destroy both of Tiger's monsters, defeating her. Following the Rush Duel, The Lukeman was withdrawn into the Super Mobile Fortress Sixross, but this time Luke remained under the Drone's control.[6]

Once he was back on the ship, The Lukeman went to sleep, claiming that being on Earth in this form drained his energy. He awoke by the end of Nail's Duel with Asana Mutsuba and went down to the outskirts of Maximum Mountain, where he accepted Yuga's challenge for the final Duel between the Rush Duel Club and the Goha Six.[69] Luke's body was clad in a costume for the Rush Duel between The Lukeman and Yuga, and he remained comatose for the entire Rush Duel.[70] After Yuga eventually won the Rush Duel, The Lukeman released Luke into Yuga's arms, Luke murmuring his thanks to The Lukeman. Luke awoke as Yuga offered to join Goha Enterprises as the Goha Six had initially demanded in exchange for reinstating the others as president.[71]

Goha Employee

Yuga wanted to join Goha Enterprises to work on Maximum Monsters with Nail, but Nail had resigned from Goha Enterprises after Yuo had forced him to Duel Asana and refused to return. He suggested Luke and his friends also become Goha employees to assist Yuga in maintaining Dueling across the world, an idea Luke believed to be correct as providence always was, though he was quickly reminded of Nail's eccentric tastes when he ate one of his candy apples. As Goha Enterprises didn't have a "Luke Division", Luke formed one himself and took Swirls with him. Luke had Oceania Illumilina install several electrical appliances for him, but the octopus wiring she used shut down Goha Enterprises's power.[72]

Yuga told Luke about his fear of ladybugs as they headed to meet the students of Goha #5 Elementary, who had come to the Goha Enterprises Main Office on a field trip, and though Luke dismissed the notion a ladybug could eat someone from the head down, he started wearing a hardhat just in case. Luke reunited with the Duelstronauts and Kit Schrödinger, who introduced Luke to his friends Muttsy Pavlov and Grizzle Maxwell. They soon learned one group from Goha 5th had gone missing; the Battle Bug Club, who Luke remembered from the Rush Duel Training Camp, and they quickly headed off to find them; Luke and Swirls were joined by the Brain Animals. They found Kabuto Bito and Kirihito Kamagaya outside Yuga's office, and Luke tried to catch Kabuto in his bug net, but was easily flipped over by Kabuto's strength. Kirihito used his mantis backpack to cut through the doors to Yuga's office, where Yuga had just recovered "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan" before Swirls arrived with the club's leader and Rayne and Rino's cousin, Nana Nanahoshi, whose ladybug hat scared Yuga away and who Luke realized had instilled Yuga's fear of ladybugs. Nana intended to steal "Vast Vulcan" (much to Luke's chagrin as he still didn't have a Maximum of his own) but then Yuga returned with a new Road and threatened to destroy the Goha Enterprises Main Office to get rid of Nana's hat, so Luke suggested they Rush Duel instead. Yuga was eventually overwhelmed by fear of Nana's ladybug monsters and fled the Rush Duel, and when Luke pursued him he accidentally triggered his watch and briefly shut down the Goha Enterprises building. He urged Yuga to continue the Rush Duel, claiming he was the only one who could stop Nana and the ladybugs from eating everyone, a claim that successfully convinced Yuga to return to the Rush Duel. To Luke's surprise and joy, Yuga Summoned a new Maximum; "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord", and Yuga revealed Luke's power had transformed his "Vast Vulcan" cards. Yuga successfully defeated Nana, and Luke was surprised to learn Yuga had believed Nana's hat to be a real ladybug after it was knocked off. Nana admitted her defeat and left quietly, claiming they would meet again.[73]

After patrolling with Swirls one morning, Luke was exhausted by lunchtime and passed Yuga's office as he headed to the canteen. He told Gavin off for running in the corridors and Gavin explained it was an emergency, taking Luke and Yuga to the Gohanium Section's Explosive Proof Laboratory where Romin was Dueling Mimi over not eating her curries. Although Gavin warned Luke and Yuga mixing the Dragias Curry and Prima Guitarna Curry could destroy the building, Luke was too hungry to listen and drooled over the curries through the explosive-proof glass. When a droplet of the curries mixed during the Rush Duel, the resulting explosion shattered the explosive proof glass and Luke tried to start eating them, but was held back by the Chef Drones for the rest of the Duel. Romin eventually defeated Mimi, and Dr. Delta, Dr. Gamma and Dr. Zeta took the curry to their lab to experiment on, so Luke followed them to eat it, upsetting the pots and producing an explosion that shook the building before starting to eat.[74]

Luke hired Yosh, Mason, Hicks and Graves to work with him in the Luke Division and had their photo taken with him and Swirls by the Newspaper Club, who voiced their desire to interview everyone from Goha #7 Elementary who had become a Goha employee. After initially misunderstanding their question about their duties as his meal for the day, Luke explained the Luke Division would patrol Goha Enterprises and decide from there. After they visited Gavin, Romin and Mimi, they found Yuga presenting a new vending machine and Yuga asked if they wanted to watch, Luke claimed they were just passing through and didn't need any presents, though Graves urinated on the vending machine and Mason and Hicks were thrown out of the building. Tracker then arrived to catch up, admitting he'd argued with Diggs and Trench and hadn't been able to find a "Fusion", and he offered a business proposal to Luke. He led the Luke Division and the Newspaper Club underground and uncovered a lost Goha factory contaiing a Duel Card Manufacturer, which Scoop demonstrated the function of by creating a Duel Monsters card of him called "The★Luke Division Manager". Tracker suggested that Luke could use the machine to print Maximum Monsters and "Fusions" to eventually become Goha President, but Scoop refused to allow them to do so and challenged Tracker to a Rush Duel. For his part, Luke was intrigued by the prospect but new it was wrong, and spent the first turn looking at the card Scoop had made for him. Luke was surprised when Tracker Maximum Summoned "Dynamic Dino Dynamix", as he believed Tracker had sold it. Tracker destroyed all of Scoop's cards and depleted most of his LP, but Scoop came back on the next turn by Fusion Summoning "Newsflash the Journalistic Juggernaut" and revealing cards from Tracker's Deck to damage him and weaken "Dynamix", defeating Tracker. Tracker lamented his inability to achieve his dream of luxury and Luke offered to hire Tracker so he could see what a real dream was like. To their surprise, the ceiling caved in and destroyed the Duel Card Manufacturer, an outcome Luke noted was likely for the best, but he found a Duel ID card in the rubble that belonged to "Yuga Goha".[75]

Luke showed the card to Romin and Gavin and Mimi arrived and confirmed Yuga was likely the sixth Goha Six, as their names all began with "Yu". Luke told his friends that Yuga was still Yuga, but immediately began trying to get into Yuga's good graces in the hopes of becoming Goha President when Yuga eventually abdicated the position. Mimi offered him her aid and eventually after a few failed attempts Luke directly asked Yuga what he loved the most and Yuga replied it was Rush Dueling, so Mimi suggested a corporate entertainment Rush Duel where Luke would lose on purpose to put Yuga in a good mood. Luke was opposed to the idea of losing a Rush Duel, but eventually agreed given the stakes. Yuga Maximum Summoned "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord" on his first turn, and at Mimi's behest Luke constantly praised Yuga's moves and asked to make his moves, only being able to Summon "Dragorite" and Set three cards. Luke was surprised when Yuga sent "Magnum Overlord" to the Graveyard and angrily asked what Yuga was doing before catching himself and noting Yuga seemed bored with the Rush Duel. The realization caused Luke to think back to when his great-grandfather had once lost on purpose to him and Luke realized that Yuga wouldn't enjoy a Rush Duel he didn't take seriously. Yuga asked if Luke had been trying to lose on purpose and Luke denied that he'd been trying to lose and get into Yuga's good graces, committing to the Rush Duel. Yuga used the effect of "Magnum Overlord" to Special Summon "Steel Mech Lord Mirror Innovator" and "Raidacross, Hero of the Dawn", fusing the latter with "Dark Sorcerer" into "Raidacross Ash, Hero of Chaos" and destroying two of Luke's Trap Cards. Despite his impending loss, Luke was content with the outcome as he was no longer trying to lose on purpose and he activated "7 Chance" on a whim, but was shocked when it gave him enough LP to survive the turn. Emboldened by his survival, he drew the cards he needed to Fusion Summon on his next turn and finally Fusion Summoned "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F" himself for the first time, powering it up with "Dragonic Force" and shutting down Yuga's Traps, allowing him to win. Yuga threw a tantrum after losing to Luke again, though Luke interpreted it as joy. Afterwards he went to the canteen, confused by the whole corporate entertainment prospect, but found there was only one kake udon left and decided to share it with Yuga.[27]

A recreation time event was planned at Goha Enterprises, with the theme "Become a zombie". When the event began, Luke was quick to lock himself in a bathroom stall on the upper floors, refusing to let anyone in. Gavin also ran into the bathroom hoping to hide, though Luke initially thought he was a "zombie" and still refused to let him in, given that zombies were in the other stalls. The "horde" of zombies then poured into the room, and Luke heard Gavin escaping with Swirls, begging them to save him as well and screaming when he was left to the horde. Luke managed to keep the zombies out of his stall, but after they left Swirls returned, apparently having been "zombified" and started clawing at the door to Luke's stall, continuing even after the event had ended.[76]

Concerned by Swirls' behaviour, Luke accompanied Yuga and Kaizo to Big Seven Arena, where Toombs told them about a "forbidden Duel" said to manipulate people. Afterwards Yuga discussed the matter with Yuga and Kaizo, though thinking so much starved him and he begged for food; Yuga ended up ordering from Ramen Hut, which was free for the first delivery and delivered to them by Nail. As Luke ate, Nail further told them that a "forbidden card" was said to have been in Goha Enterprises with the power to manipulate people as Toombs had described, and Yuga suggested that Nana had instead tried to steal that instead of his Maximum Monsters. Kaizo found a poster for the Nanahoshi Insect Ninja illage, so Yuga, Luke and Kaizo took Swirls there, only to find Tiger opposing them. To Luke's terror, Tiger didn't even react to his habitual disuse of her nickname and told them to turn back, so Yuga challenged her to a Rush Duel for trying to prevent him helping Swirls. Yuga Maximum Summoned "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord", but Tiger Fusion Summoned "Full Orchestra the Music Fiend" and destroyed "Magnum Overlord", reducing Yuga to 500 LP. Luke begged his sister to tell them why she was opposing them, but she refused to respond, so Yuga continued the Duel, committed to helping Swirls With Luke's encouragement, he Fusion Summoned "Sevens Paladin" and reduced the ATK of "Full Orchestra", but as he attacked, Luke realized Tiger was ready for it and futilely tried to stop Yuga. As he had feared, Tiger used a Trap Card to reduce the ATK of "Sevens Paladin" to zero, defeating Yuga. As Tiger called her clubmates to join her, Kaizo handed Swirls to Luke and transformed into "God Kaizo" to hold off Tiger, allowing Luke and Yuga to explore the village unopposed. They were unsuccessful in finding Nana, so they returned to Yuga's house, where Luke met Yuga's mother for the first time and in his shock, he revealed his suspicions about Yuga being one of the Goha Six, a claim Yuga found ridiculous. They then learned that Yuo had been calling Yuga all afternoon, and Yuga remembered he had forgotten an emergency meeting with Yuo.[77]

Luke, Yuga and Swirls found Romin and Gavin waiting for them, and they revealed Nana had manipulated Gavin, Roa and Mimi into investigating Yuga by disguising herself as Romin, while Luke also relayed their day's adventure. Once they reached Yuo's office, he began their emergency meeting.[77] Yuo explained that he intended to fuse Rush Duels and Goha Duels, seeking Yuga's permission. Luke promptly suggested calling the new format after him, though Yuo's suggestion of "New Goha Duels" prompted Luke to side against the issue. However Yuga told Yuo he could fuse the formats, and Luke jumped on the President Drone to stop it from uploading the new rules, but to their shock they learned people across the world were uploading their own rules through Yuga's newest Road, and the reason he'd joined Goha, "Duel Create-a-nator", which was causing accompanying structures to be constructed on the Goha Duel Server. Luke congratulated Yuga, and Yuo tried to fire Yuga, but the rest of the Goha Six returned and vetoed his decision, though Yuga claimed they could still fire him if they told him about the forbidden card. The Goha Six didn't know anything about the card, but had detected activity underground, something Luke found familiar. As he was fanning himself with "The★Luke Division Manager" and Romin asked to see it, Luke remembered the Duel Card Manufacturer had been underground and they wondered if Nana had used it to create a forbidden card. They all took the elevator to the factory, where Luke admitted the machine had been destroyed, but as Yuka pointed out it had been repaired. Mrs. Drone printed the forbidden card "Monster Reborn", prompting Swirls to attack Luke and leap off him, arming himself with a black Duel Disk that had been in the President Drone, and Yuo, who had picked up "Monster Reborn," accepted the Duel. Luke cheered Swirls on as Yuo used "Monster Reborn" to revive one of Swirls' monsters, shocking Luke with the power of the effect, though Swirls didn't return to normal. Yuo Fusion Summoned "Metarion King Cobrastar" and used its anti-Reptile effect while chanting a spell that would return Swirls to normal, but Luke was still uneasy, eventually realizing that someone still had to own the "Yuga Goha" ID card he'd found. To his shock, Swirls survived Yuo's attacks and revealed himself to be the sixth Goha Six, Yuga Goha. Luke realized this was what Tiger had been trying to stop after he learned Yuga Goha had been so violent his siblings had cast a spell on him with "Monster Reborn" after Yuga tried to use it himself. Vowing revenge for being sealed, Yuga Goha defeated Yuo with "Monster Reborn" and "Predator Gunleon", and after the Duel Luke took Swirls' bowtie and asked him to come back to the Luke Division, but Yuga simply bid Luke goodbye and used the President Drone as a wingsuit to fly away.[78]


Luke uses a Dragon Deck, spearheaded by his ace monster "Multistrike Dragon Dragias". His Deck focuses on an aggressive playstyle, revolving around destroying his opponent's cards, Summoning as many high-Level monsters on the field as possible, and declaring multiple attacks with them during the same Battle Phase. Luke's Deck has several options for getting three Level 7 monsters on the field at once and circumventing the two Tribute requirement, such as "Righteous Dragon" and "Hypernova". His high-Level monsters generally have effects that he uses in tandem with "Dragias" to make the best use of its effect and inflict as much damage as possible, such as "Dragonic Slayer" and "Shock Dragon".

Season 1

Season 2

Luke continues to use a Dragon Deck, to which he has added cards to recover his Spell and Trap Cards from the Graveyard, such as "Fortitude Dragon" and "Porcupine Dragon". After encountering The Lukeman, Luke gains access to "Fusion" as well as the new "The" series of cards, though he is initially unable to use "Fusion" by himself until The Lukeman leaves Earth.


Yuga's Deck

When Yuga Ohdo passed out from physical exhaustion during his Rush Duel against Yuga Goha, Luke took over the Duel, using Yuga's Deck throughout the rest of it.

Owned cards


Opponent Episode(s) Outcome
Tiadosia "Tiger" Kallister 30 Lose (flashback)
Valencian "Vance" Kallister 73 Win (flashback)
Multiple adult Duelists 2 Win (flashback)
Hologram Man 1 Win (six times; flashback)
Yuga Ohdo 2 Win
Scoop Pitman 5 Win
Yosh Imimi 8 Win
Toombs 10 Win
Kit Schrödinger 17 Win
Buff Grimes 22 Win
Otes 24 Win
Lucidien "Luke" Kallister/Phantom Luke 27 Win
Yuga Ohdo 27 Not shown (off-screen)
Janko Entant 31 Win
Pidgetrap Quill 37 Win
Booster Page 42 Win
Romin Kassidy 45 Win (off-screen)
Gavin Sogetsu 45 Win (off-screen)
109 unknown Duelists 45-48 Win (off-screen; with Romin Kassidy and Gavin Sogetsu)
Multiple eliminated Team Battle Royal participants 46 Win (off-screen)
Kaizo 47 Win
Yuga Ohdo 51-52 Win
Yujin Goha 55 Win
Roa Kassidy 63 Win
Tiadosia "Tiger" Kallister 64 No Result (Duel taken over by The Lukeman)
Yuga Ohdo 73 Win
Yuga Goha 79 Win (Duel taken over from Yuga Ohdo)
Scoop Pitman 86 Win
Saburamen, Sushiko Maki and Yosh Imimi 86 Win (off-screen)
Tiadosia "Tiger" Kallister 89 Win
Yuga Ohdo 92 Lose

Other appearances


  1. a b Satchmo (December 21, 2019). "The Organization | The Next Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime". YGOrganization. Retrieved December 22, 2019.
  2. a b c d e NeoArkadia (December 21, 2019). "The Organization | Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS Information!". YGOrganization. Retrieved December 22, 2019.
  3. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01414: "Curry Worries"
  4. a b c d e f Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03030: "Tiger's Breath"
  5. a b c d e f Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02222: "Cleaning Time!"
  6. a b c d e f Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06464: "Fear the Gear"
  7. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05757: "Kendo Conflict!"
  8. a b NeoArkadia (April 18, 2020). "The Organization | [SEVENS] Excerpts from Interview with Mr. Yashiro". YGOrganization. Retrieved April 21, 2020.
  9. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06363: "President Luke!"
  10. a b c d e f g Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0022: "The Future King of Duels"
  11. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01010: "Behind You!"
  12. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0033: "Rock the Rush Duel"
  13. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06262: "The Lukeman!"
  14. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0011: "Ready for the Rush!"
  15. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02121: "A Taste of Space"
  16. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0055: "Breaking News!"
  17. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02525: "Maximum Mayhem"
  18. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0044: "Rush Duel Resignation"
  19. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04141: "Student Council Crisis"
  20. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05353: "Give It a Swirl!"
  21. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01515: "A Deep-Sea Duel"
  22. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01717: "Purr-plexed!"
  23. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01616: "Clean-Up Operation"
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 08989: "Tiger Tamer!"
  25. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02727: "Luke Club"
  26. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05555: "Water Hazards"
  27. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07373: "Lose to Win"
  28. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04848: "Once Were Friends"
  29. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0066: "Rushing for Ramen"
  30. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0088: "Rush Crushed Kid"
  31. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0077: "Disco Duel"
  32. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0099: "Dino Detours"
  33. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01111: "Hungry for a Duel!"
  34. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01212: "Drawing a Foul"
  35. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01313: "The Chosen One"
  36. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01818: "The Beat of Defeat"
  37. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01919: "A Duel of Thrones"
  38. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02020: "What Makes a Hero a Hero?"
  39. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02323: "I'm Curious"
  40. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02424: "Helping a Friend"
  41. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02626: "The Final Nail"
  42. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02828: "Training Camp"
  43. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02929: "Heavy Duty Duel"
  44. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03131: "Draw Draw Draw!"
  45. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03232: "Here Comes the Cavalry"
  46. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03333: "Construction Chaos"
  47. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03434: "Pressure Points"
  48. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03535: "Demolition Duel"
  49. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03636: "Sibling Showdown"
  50. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03737: "Coocoo Duel"
  51. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03838: "Maximum Risk"
  52. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03939: "Breaking Tradition"
  53. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04040: "I Quit!"
  54. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04242: "All About Space"
  55. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04545: "Treasure Trackers"
  56. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04343: "Change of Plans"
  57. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04444: "The Battle Royal Begins!"
  58. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04646: "Meats vs. Sweets"
  59. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04747: "Bad Business"
  60. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04949: "Battle of the Band"
  61. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05050: "DJ G!"
  62. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05151: "Battle Royal Revelations"
  63. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05252: "Battle Royal Finale"
  64. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05454: "Turbo Rush Duel!"
  65. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05656: "Play Ball!"
  66. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05858: "Pulling the Strings"
  67. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06060: "Legend of The Sevens"
  68. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06161: "Face the Heat"
  69. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06565: "Clash of the Giants"
  70. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06666: "Rise of the Supervillain"
  71. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06767: "Rise of the Superhero"
  72. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06969: "Fish Fight"
  73. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07070: "Pest Control"
  74. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07171: "Curry Chaos"
  75. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07272: "Stop the Presses!"
  76. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07474: "Rush Ghoul"
  77. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07676: "Tiger Trouble!"
  78. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07777: "Monster Reborn!"


  1. Assumed by the Ohdo twins in episode 62.
  2. A second copy of this card is sent from Luke's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Twin Edge Dragon" in episode 2.
  3. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Ancient Arise Dragon" in episode 37.
  4. This card is sent from Luke's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Stock Buster Dragon" in episode 47.
  5. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Shock Dragon" in episode 37.
  6. When Luke Duels himself/Phantom Luke in episode 27, both of his Decks include a copy of this card, one of them with an alternate artwork.
  7. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike" in episode 17.
  8. A third copy of this card can be seen in The Lukeman's hand while he is using Luke's Deck in episode 62.
  9. This card is sent from the top of The Lukeman's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F" while he is using Luke's Deck in episode 67.
  10. a b c d e f g h This card is acquired from The Lukeman between episode 61 and episode 62.
  11. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of "Charging Clash" in episode 89.
  12. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Hazy Strike Dragon Miragiastar F" in episode 89.
  13. This card is sent from Luke's hand to the Graveyard by the effect of "Card Destruction" in episode 63.
  14. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of "Porcupine Dragon" in episode 63.
  15. a b c d This card is shown on "7 Chance" when Luke is spinning the slot machine in episode 63.
  16. A copy of this card is given to Yuga Ohdo in episode 90. Later, Luke plays a second copy of this card with an alternate artwork in episode 92, but it is removed from his Deck by Yuga during the same episode.
  17. This card is sent from Luke's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias" in episode 55.
  18. a b This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Fortitude Dragon" in episode 55.
  19. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" in episode 55.
  20. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" in episode 86.
  21. This card is sent from the top of Luke's Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of "Undulating Barrier" in episode 89.
  22. This card is sent from the top of The Lukeman's Deck to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F" while he is using Luke's Deck in episode 62.
  23. This card is sent from The Lukeman's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "The Wyvern" while he is using Luke's Deck in episode 62.
  24. This face-down card is destroyed by the effect of "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord" in episode 73.
  25. This face-down card is destroyed by the effect of "Raidacross Ash, Hero of Chaos" in episode 73.
  26. This card is acquired from the Duel Card Manufacturer in episode 72.