Seto Kaiba

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his toys confiscated. The projection fades away and Noah appears before Seto and Mokuba. Seto asks Noah why he's making them watch this stuff. Noah replies that it's to refresh Seto's memory of how he forced Gozaburo to a dead end and one day Seto shall be punished.[1]

Shortly afterwards, Noah sends them to another recreation of Seto's past, where he argued with Gozaburo over the use the virtual software, that Seto invented. Present day Seto accuses Noah of using the virtual software that Gozaburo stole from him.[2]

Seto and Mokuba are then sent to a beach, where they find a tv half-buried. In it they see Joey's Duel with Johnson and Noah telling Johnson off for cheating.[3]

Having lived in Seto's shadow, Noah needs to prove that he is more deserving of the position of president of KaibaCorp and cannot do that through cheating. Seto wonders why Noah is putting the two of them in competion. Seto suspects, but can't believe it's to do with Gozaburo, since he is dead. Kaiba starts to wonder who Noah really is.[3]

Kaiba and Mokuba travel through a desert, where the see the ruins of KaibaCorp's old military center.[4]

Kaiba faces Nesbitt, who is inside Tristan's body.

The two finally make their way to a city. Here Nesbitt, inside Tristan's body, attacks them with a kendo stick. Kaiba tries throwing a card at Nesbitt, but he blocks. He then grabs a pipe, which Nesbitt easily knocks out of his hand. The real Tristan, in the body of a robot monkey, jumps at the imposter, saving Kaiba. Yugi and his friends arrive and catch the action. Joey punches Nesbitt, smashin him through a warehouse door. However Nesbitt emerges on a motorbike and snatches Mokuba, before driving off. Kaiba grabs another motorbike and takes off after Nesbitt.[5]

The chase leads Kaiba to a bridge, where he is stopped by Lector. Lector has taken the form of Jinzo, but this is hidden by his trenchcoat. In order to get Mokuba back, Kaiba must first defeat Lector in a Duel. Kaiba is given access to Duel Monster cards, bar the Egyptian Gods to build his Deck. Kaiba choses "Lord of Dragons" as his Deck Master. He is initially unable to see Lector's Deck Master, nor does he care, until 1 of his Trap Cards is destroyed, revealing Jinzo to be Lector's Deck Master.[5] During the Duel, Lector taunted Kaiba about using the Big Five and Mokuba in order to overthrow Gozaburo. Lector's Deck is weapon-themed and Kaiba had worked to remove such aspects from KaibaCorp. Refusing to lose his dream to a weapon of death, Kaiba Summons "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", which takes out Lector's "Satellite Cannon", before it can launch an attack, winning the Duel for Kaiba.[6]

Kaiba and his Deck Master, "Lord of Dragons" during his Duel with Lector.

After the Duel, Noah forms a tunnel and tells Kaiba he must come this way to find Mokuba. Inside he finds Noah, disguised as Mokuba, who transports Kaiba to a living room, containing the real Mokuba. Noah insists that it was Kaiba's former employee that kidnapped Mokuba and that he was the one who rescued him. Kaiba tries to leave with Mokuba. However Mokuba has now been brainwashed against Seto, by Noah.[7]

Yugi and Téa arrive and show Kaiba a picture of Noah with Gozaburo. Noah shows Seto a clip from is own past. There Gozaburo was shown speaking with Noah, he handed him a picture of Seto, saying that he plans to bring Seto here to challenge Noah academically and prove Noah has the intelligence to run KaibaCorp. Noah agreed and called Gozaburo father. Kaiba refused to belive Noah was Gozaburo's son and asked how come they never met before.[7]

Before Noah can answer, an alarm sounds causing him to leave. Kaiba, Téa and Yugi end up with the rest of Yugi's friends, while Noah takes the Big Five away to tell them off for trying to steal bodies having not won their Duels.[7]

As Yugi's friends ask Kaiba about Noah and saving Mokuba, he tells them to mind their own buisness and redirects their attention to The Big Five, who are now sharing Tristan's body.[8]

While Yugi and his friends are distracted, Kaiba searches for Mokuba by himself. At the top of a hill, he starts calling for Mokuba. Although Mokuba hears him, he refuses to answer, accepting Noah as his only brother. The clouds in front of Kaiba disappear, revealing a KaibaLand. (In the English version that KaibaLand had not been built, nor had Kaiba shown anyone its blueprints.)[8]

Inside KaibaLand, Seto is shown a video with footage of young Noah, spending time with Gozaburo and Noah's funeral, in which Gozaburo says Noah can still be saved.[9]

Kaiba and his Deck Master, "Kaiser Sea Horse" during his Duel with Noah.

Kaiba takes a train from KaibaLand to a volcanic area, where he meets Noah. Noah explains how he had his consciousness uploaded into the Virtual World shortly after the accident, where he nearly died. Once Noah beats Seto in a Duel, he says that he will prove he is superior and return to the real world in Seto's body, where he will take over KaibaCorp. Seto laughs at the idea of Noah beating him and being able to run KaibaCorp. He accepts the challenge and selects "Kaiser Sea Horse" as his Deck Master.[10]

Yugi and his friends arrive to watch the Duel.[10] After a few turns, Seto gets a chance to win, but Noah uses Mokuba as human shield.[11] Kaiba refuses to attack Mokuba and ends his turn. Seto tries talking Mokuba into returning to his side. Yugi points out that he was in this situation before when Marik possessed Joey and urges Seto to keep fighting to awaken his bond with Mokuba. Kaiba manages to Summon "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Mokuba recognizes this as the the card he drew for Seto. Mokuba imagines Seto and himself on the back of a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and breaks free from Noah's influence. With "Blue-Eyes" out, Seto plays "Last Turn" creating 1 final battle to determine the winner of the Duel. Kaiba chooses "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", with 3000 ATK as his monster and Noah chooses his Deck Master, "Shinato's Ark", but reveals its true form "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane", with 3300 ATK. "Shinato" defeats "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", causing Seto to lose the Duel.[12]

Mokuba and Seto turned to stone after Seto's Duel with Noah.

Having defeated Seto, Noah turns Seto and Mokuba into stone. However Yugi accuses Noah of foul play, by causing Seto to give up his chance for winning over his brother's safety. Yugi then challenges Noah to continue the Duel with him. Should Yugi win everyone Noah trapped would be freed. Yugi combines his Deck with Seto's and continues the Duel from where Seto had left off.[12] When Yugi is on the brink of defeat, he imagines everyone Noah has turned to stone, including Seto, are with him. They each hand Yugi a card to draw with "Card of Sanctity".[13] Using them Yugi defeats Noah, returning everyone who was turned to stone to the way they were before.[14]

Gozaburo appears in the sky before Noah and his prisoners, revealing that he had digitized his mind after losing KaibaCorp to Seto. Gozaburo reveals how he had used Seto to motivate Noah and previously planned to use his body to host Noah's mind. After Gozaburo uploaded his mind into the Virtual World, he planned to take Seto's body for himself. He no longer intends to do that as he has plans to digitize the entire world and rule it.[14]

Noah leads the prisoners, claiming to be taking them to an exit. Despite not trusting Noah, Kaiba goes along. As he predicted, Noah betrays them and splits the gang up.[14] Kaiba heads to the virtual KaibaCorp headquarters to confront Gozaburo.[15]

Gozaburo imposes a game of Duel Monsters for Seto to play for his freedom. Seto accepts and finds himself struggling against Gozaburo's "Exodia Necross".[15] However he finds its weakness and removes the "Exodia" pieces from Gozaburo's Graveyard, stripping it of its abilities. Seto defeats "Exodia Necross" with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", winning the Duel.[16]

Gozaburo, in his monster form, attacks Seto.

Gozaburo was unwilling to give up and transforms into a monster and proceeds to attack Seto. Yugi appears and manages to save Seto in time. Noah had set the virtual world servers to self-destruct, but having had a change of heart, he helps Seto and Yugi escape. He tells them to jump off the KaibaCorp building and opens a gateway to the real world, which they pass through before hitting the ground. Before leaving Kaiba exclaims, "I won't be buried with you Gozaburo".[16]

Yugi, Kaiba and Mokuba run to escape the fortress before the missiles strike. Joey and Tristan help them get onto the moving blimp, as they leave Noah's fortress, before it gets destroyed.[16]

Battle City finals

Kaiba, his colleagues and guests arrive safely at Alcatraz for the Battle City finals.[17]

Kaiba, Yugi, Joey and Marik partake in a Battle Royal to determine the matchups for the semi-finals. Each duelist selected a monster to exclude from their Deck to determine the order of play. Kaiba chose the "Masked Beast Des Gardius", which he had taken from Lumis. Since it had the highest ATK, Kaiba got to go first.[17] Since "The Winged Dragon of Ra" is the strongest of the Egyptian Gods, Kaiba planned to win "Slifer" off Yugi so he could have 2 Egyptian Gods when facing Marik and "Ra". Wanting to face Yugi in the semi-finals and too proud to purposely lose, Kaiba made sure he and Yugi were the last two standing in the Battle Royal, matching them up for the second semi-final.[18][19]

Before Joey's Duel with Marik, Kaiba comments that Joey doesn't stand a chance against "The Winged Dragon of Ra". Joey protests that he went up against "Ra" before, but Kaiba reminds him how it knocked him unconscious. Kaiba tells Yugi that his computer has managed to translate "Ra's" effects. However, Yugi is unconvinced and believes Kaiba connection with the past played a part in translating the text. Kaiba plans to use Joey as a guinea pig, so he can study Marik's strategy. Had it been Yugi that was facing Marik, Marik would win "Slifer the Sky Dragon" making it harder for Kaiba to defeat him in the finals. Yugi smirks that Kaiba's plan has a flaw; he has to get past him first.[20]

Towards the end of the Duel, Marik has Joey hit hard by one of "Ra's" effects. Mokuba protests that Marik has gone too far, but Kaiba refuses to stop the Duel as he must see "Ra's" abilities with his own eyes. Kaiba is stunned to see Joey still standing after taking the blast. Joey prepares to attack Marik to win, but collapses. Kaiba gives Joey 30 seconds to stand up. Unable to do so, Joey was disqualified. Kaiba was impressed with Joey's performance, thinking to himself "The way you die, at last I'll recognize you as a duelist". (In the English version, Kaiba thinks maybe Joey isn't the third-rate amateur, he thought he was.)[21]

Kaiba and Yugi face each other with their Egyptian Gods in the Colosseum.

Kaiba faces Yugi in the second quarter-final. He creates a holographic Colosseum of spectators around the top of the tower for the Duel.[22]

Kaiba tries to Summon "Obelisk the Tormentor" at an early stage, but Yami Yugi manages to counter both his attempts. Kaiba steals "Slifer the Sky Dragon" from Yugi's Deck using "Lullaby of Obedience". However Yami takes it back with "Exchange", which he had been planning to use on "Obelisk".[22] Yami and Kaiba each manage to Summon their respective Egyptian Gods.[23] The two constantly alter the Gods' ATK or block each others attacks, preventing the other from destroying their God. Kaiba attempts to win using "Obelisk's" effect, tributing 2 monsters to inflict 4000 damage to Yami, but Yami discards "Kuriboh" to protect himself. Eventually the 2 Gods attack each other and after a number of alterations each end up with 4000 ATK[24] and destroy each other.[25]

Kaiba and Yami Yugi see a vision of Sorcerer Seto and the Nameless Pharaoh battling.

The battle of Gods causes Yami Yugi and Kaiba's consciousness to be transported to an ancient city. Here they see "Obelisk" and "Slifer" turned to stone, while elsewhere, the Sorcerer Seto and Nameless Pharaoh battle. The Sorcerer tells the Pharaoh that he's powerless in the face of the darkness and the land will soon meet the fate of its destruction. When questioned as to why he joined the forces of darkness, the sorcerer replies that he and his followers have allegiance to neither the Dark One nor the Pharaoh. The Sorcerer Summons Blue-Eyes White Dragon from a tablet and the Pharaoh counters with Dark Magician. The two return to present time. Kaiba asks if Yugi had the same vision as he did. Yami claims that their Duel is related to the one from 3000 years ago, and Kaiba says their Duel is destined. (In the English version, Kaiba calls the vision an illusion.)[25]

Kaiba and Yami continue the Duel. They quickly Summon "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Dark Magician" respectively.[25] Kaiba uses "Lord of Dragons" and "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" to bring out his other 2 "Blue-Eyes White Dragons". Yugi uses it to Summon Joey's "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" from his own hand. Yami blocks the attacks from 2 of the 3 dragons, destroying 1 of them and "Lord of Dragons" in the process.[26] Kaiba uses "Monster Reborn" and "Polymerization" to Summon "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon", but Yami plays "Double Spell" copying Kaiba's last 2 Magic Cards, allowing him to Summon "Dark Paladin". Yami tells Kaiba that if he stands at the top filled with hatred, he won't find real victory. He'll only have to find new hatred, and his future will be filled with endless hatred. Kaiba attacks "Dark Paladian" with "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon", but Yami uses "De-Fusion", splitting the "Ultimate Dragon" into 3 "Blue-Eyes White Dragons". He uses "Diffusion Wave-Motion", allowing "Dark Paladin" to attack all 3 of them, winning the Duel.[27]

Kaiba thinks Battle City was his tournament, the entire event was designed so that he would be victorious, he wanted to put the memory of his adopted father behind him and be crowned the world's best duelist atop his Duel Tower. Despite coming so close victory slipped away and Kaiba says he's nothing. Yugi compliments Kaiba on the Duel, but Kaiba says he doesn't want his pity. Yugi admits Kaiba is a strong duelist, but he was defeated by the monster in his heart called "hatred". Yugi points out how friendship helped him win, but Kaiba says the strength of friendship is nothing to him. Yugi calls that sad, to which he just scoffs. Kaiba accepts his defeat like a man and tosses the "Obelisk the Tormentor" card over to Yugi.[28]

Kaiba duels Joey.

As Kaiba leaves, Joey, who has awoke from his coma, challenges Kaiba to a third place play-off. Kaiba isn't interested at first and considers dueling Joey to be waste of time. But Joey persists and Kaiba eventually accepts. At the bottom of the Duel Tower, the two face-off. Kaiba plays "Crush Card" at an early stage, eliminating Joey's stronger monsters.[28] Regardless Joey puts up a good fight. He annoys Kaiba by taking control of 1 of his "Blue-Eyes White Dragons".[29] Towards the end of the Duel, Joey attempts to win by using "Time Wizard" to age "Baby Dragon" into "Thousand Dragon" and weaken Kaiba's "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Kaiba scolds Joey for thinking the Duel is fun. (In the English version, he mocks Joey for relying on luck to win his Duels.) Kaiba uses "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" to save "Blue-Eyes" from "Time Wizard" and wins on his next turn. Kaiba leaves thinking the Duel was a waste of time.[30]

Initially Kaiba has no intention of watching the final Duel between Yugi and Marik, but is confronted by Ishizu, who tells him Yugi is going to need his help to defeat Marik. Kaiba walks away, not caring if Yugi loses. Ishizu calls him back and says "pret kreto", an Ancient Egyptian phrase, which to Kaiba's own surprise, he understands. She says that these words were prayers for the dead, from a friend that were engraved on a stone found in the Pharaoh's temple. (In the English version, Ishizu doesn't speak Ancient Egyptian and tells Kaiba that his own future is at stake.) Ishizu tells Kaiba of his connection to the Sorcerer, who was the Pharaoh's rival, but ultimately helped the Pharaoh save his people and now history is repeating itself. Kaiba is unconvinced and leaves to prepare for the detonation of the the Duel Tower. However, Mokuba starts to cry that Yugi and Joey were right about Kaiba being filled with hate, dueling for all the wrong reasons and never having fun anymore either.[30]

Kaiba reconsiders and decides to help Yugi, despite hosting the tournament to beat him. Kaiba estimates Yugi's chances of winning to be 3%, but he has a card that can beat "The Winged Dragon of Ra". If Yugi can figure out how to use it, it would give him a 20% chance of winning. (Kaiba makes no such calculations in the English version.) As he makes his way to the Duel, Kaiba remembers Yugi saying that the strength of his friends brought him victory and wonders if he Yugi create a miracle f he entrusts him with this card. (In the English version, Kaiba thinks he'd enjoy watching Yugi fall at the hands of Marik, but it would be interesting to see if Yugi has what it takes to use this card.) Before the Duel, Kaiba gives Yugi the card, "Fiend's Sanctuary". Kaiba tells Ishizu that he only helped Yugi to prove her wrong when he loses.[30]

Kaiba watches the Duel and sees the card he gave Yugi, help out.[31] He congratulates Yugi after he wins.[32]

With the tournament over, Kaiba and Mokuba, initiate the self-destruction of the Duel Tower to destroy their memory of Gozaburo and his loss to Yugi.[32] While everyone else leaves in the helicopter, Kaiba and Mokuba leave in the Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet, as they plan to start work on Kaiba Land right away.[33]

Waking the Dragons

When real Duel Monsters started appearing, KaibaCorp got plenty of phone calls from people, who believed they were created by Kaiba's Solid Vision. Kaiba, who was still in America working on Kaiba Land, made an announcement on TV. He said that they had shut down their system as a test and found the monsters still appeared, so something other than their system is causing the monsters to be created.[34]

In his office, Kaiba said that someone is trying to make a fool out of him and wondered if the monster appearances were the doing of one of his rivals. He suspected Industrial Illusions and got Roland to contact them. Mokuba rushed into the office and showed Kaiba that someone was buying their shares and owned nearly half the company. If the person was to buy any more shares, they could take control of the company, but Kaiba refuses to allow that. Alister, pretending to be Pegasus made contact with Kaiba, claiming to be the one who bought the stocks, but he's not interested in Kaiba's company and just wanted the upper hand so he could force Kaiba to do something for him.[35][36]

Kaiba and Mokuba took the Blue-Eyes White Dragon jet to Duelist Kingdom. They confronted Alister disguised as Pegasus in the castle. Kaiba accused him of being responsible for the monster appearances. Alister claimed that it's all Kaiba's responsibility. Kaiba demanded to know what he meant, and Alister said that he will tell him if Kaiba can beat him in a Duel. Alister used the Dueling Arena, while Kaiba choose to put his cards on his Duel Disk, as he did not trust Pegasus.[36]

Kaiba frees Critias.

Alister used Pegasus' Toon strategy. Kaiba stopped this by destroying "Toon World" and accused Pegasus of using the same old strategy. After noting that Pegasus isn't predictable, he doubted he was facing the real Pegasus, so Alister revealed the disguise. Alister then played "The Seal of Orichalcos", so that the loser would lose their soul.[36] Alister accuses Kaiba of ruining his life, since his brother had been killed (went missing in the English version) in a war, where Gozaburo sold weapons to both sides. Since Alister had been studying Kaiba, he was able to predict that Kaiba would reply on "Crush Card", and prevented this with "Royal Decree". He took control of two of Kaiba's "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" to stage the perfect revenge. Kaiba realized that there wasn't a card in his Deck that could save him, but before drawing his next card, his consciousness was transported to a hall, where he sees two dragons trapped crystal. He removes a sword from one of the dragons, freeing it. To Kaiba's surprise, he somehow knows the dragon's name is Critias. (In the English version, Dark Magician Girl told him that he had been chosen to release Critius and instructed him to remove the sword.) Kaiba returned to reality and drew his next card, "The Fang of Critias", which was not in his Deck before. He combined it with "Crush Card", forming "Doom Virus Dragon". He used "Doom Virus Dragon" to destroy Alister's monsters and attack him, but Alister played "Contagion of Madness", making the Duel a Draw. Since it was a Draw, neither player lost their soul.[37]

Afterwards Kaiba wondered about the card, "The Fang of Critias". After boarding his jet, he received an e-mail from HQ, saying that he needed to come back, but Kaiba opted to visit Industrial Illusions to ask about the card instead.[38] Mokuba was unable to contact Pegasus on the way. Kaiba suspected that this would happen; whoever Alister is working for has already captures Pegasus and wants him next. Kaiba wondered how he could know the effect of the card; he doesn't believe in the supernatural, but the power of the card is very real.[39]

Kaiba, along with Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler, are the three "chosen duelists" each given a Legendary Dragon card (the The Fang of Critias in Kaiba's case) in order to save the world from Dartz, who had been using the power of The Seal of Orichalcos to steal people's souls to release his legendary serpent, "The Great Leviathan". Kaiba is challenged by Alister who was one of Dartz "Swordsmen of Doma." Alister blames Kaiba for tragic events that happened in his life due to Gozaburo. Alister has also somehow managed to take control of a large portion of KaibaCorp. Unable to convince Alister that he is not responsible Kaiba defeats Alister, who loses his soul. Kaiba ultimately loses to Dartz while dueling alongside Yugi. However using Kaiba's contributions to the duel, Yugi defeats Dartz.

Grand Championship

Kaiba hosts the KaibaCorp GrandPrix after to regain control of his company after it was bought out by Dartz. Kaiba only duels once in this arc. His old economic competitor, Zigfried von Schroeder, returns hoping to collapse KaibaCorp, but Kaiba defeats him and Yugi defeats his younger brother, Leon, to maintain his title as World Champion and save KaibaCorp.

Dawn of the Duel

Kaiba is challenged to a duel by Yami Bakura. Bakura leaves before they can finish the duel and gives him the Millennium Eye so he can gain entry to the Memory World. Despite his disbelief, he travels to the Millennium World. There he runs into Kisara (whose Ka is later revealed to be the Blue Eyes White Dragon), and - recognizing her as the girl from his vision - follows her. Kaiba subsequently encounters his past incarnation, Priest Seto, as well as Pharaoh Atem (the incarnate of Yugi Mutou). (See Priest Seto for more info about Seto's role in the Memory World arc.)

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Kaiba is still convinced the memory world is an illusion. When Zorc Necrophades is resurrected, he summons Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (shown in the Japanese series to be a fusion between his own soul, Priest Seto's soul, and Kisara's) and attacks, telling Zorc that he is nothing more than a hologram that he used to deal with, and that his first words were Neutron Blast, which is Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's attack. His Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, however, could not defeat Zorc, just as Zorc could not defeat it. Zorc explained that the ultimate force of darkness and the ultimate force of light were now in collusion implying that it was the Light attribute of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes that allowed it to hold its own against Zorc better than the Egyptian Gods. But with Atem's help they summoned Dragon Master Knight, which in turn was then defeated by Zorc, most likely because it was no longer a pure light monster. Later, Kaiba protected Yugi and his friends using his Ring of Defense giving Atem more time to recover his name so he could re-summon and fuse the Egyptian God Cards. After witnessing the presence of both Atem and Yugi in the same place Kaiba mumbled to himself "Maybe there is some truth to this junk", but when Joey Wheeler inquired as to what he said of the whole Millennium Arc events being real, Kaiba replied "Nice try; I said this was all a mind trick", implying that Seto merely denied it out of pride. (In the Japanese version, he is more accepting of the existence of magic.)

After returning to the present he wishes to duel Atem in the Ceremonial Battle, but is refused the privilege as Yugi states his intentions to duel the Pharaoh. He responds to the refusal saying he didn't come this far to see Yugi lose his title to his imaginary friend. Nevertheless Kaiba watches the duel and witnesses the Pharaoh separate from Yugi's body and finally be put to rest. During the duel, he for the first time openly shows respect for Yugi by calling him the "True King of Games" when he defeats all three Egyptian God Cards in a single turn. After this performance he admits that there may have been more to this magic, but withdraws his statement when Joey asks if he heard him right.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Though not seen much in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX series, Kaiba is referred as the one who set up Duel Academy and named the dormitories personally. He made several appearances, the first being when he made a bet on his ownership of the school. He seemed bold and had full confidence in the duelist representing Duel Academy, Chazz, would win despite the unfair advantage in the duel (in the Japanese episode, Kaiba stated at the end that anyone who was a student at his academy should be able to win a duel no matter what the situations are, and in the English version stated that Chazz's brothers needed to learn a little bit more about world domination). During the second year, he also appears in Jaden's flashback, announcing a card illustration project, and again when he allows Sartorius (Takuma Saiou) the use of KaibaLand during the Academy's field trip. The Duel Monster spirit "Kaibaman", who duels against Jaden, is based on Seto Kaiba and uses the same deck, including his three Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Kaiba is also mentioned, and briefly seen, in a flashback of Aster Phoenix's, as being the second greatest duelist in the world, in the mind of Maximillion Pegasus, next to Yugi Muto.

In the English version, Sartorius says that "Kaiba hasn't aged in years". This is likely an inside joke to fans on how the character animation for Seto is nearly identical in both series, despite the fact that GX takes place 10 years later.

In the fourth season, Seto is the only citizen of Domino City who survives Trueman's attack.


Main article: Seto Kaiba's Decks

Although Kaiba's best known cards are his three "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" and the fusion monster formed from the three dragons, the "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon", other Duel Monsters Cards have been utilized in his Deck, including the XYZ series.

Kaiba appears to favor the Beatdown type of strategy, meaning he favors using cards and monsters that completely overpower his opponents. His cards are intended to be mean and vicious to reflect Kaiba's personality.[40]


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 103103: "Freeze Play, Part 2"
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ep 104
  3. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 105105: "Courtroom Chaos, Part 2"
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ep 107
  5. a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ep 108
  6. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ep 109
  7. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 110110: "Noah's Secret"
  8. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 111111: "Merger of the Big Five, Part 1"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 112112: "Merger of the Big Five, Part 2"
  10. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 114114: "Brothers in Arms, Part 1"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 115115: "Brothers in Arms, Part 2"
  12. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 116116: "Brothers in Arms, Part 3"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 118118: "Noah's Final Threat, Part 2"
  14. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 119119: "So Close Yet So Far"
  15. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 120120: "Burying The Past - Part 1"
  16. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 121121: "Burying the Past - Part 2"
  17. a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ep 122
  18. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 123123: "Back to Battle City - Part 2"
  19. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 124124: "Back to Battle City - Part 3"
  20. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 125125: "The Darkness Returns - Part 1"
  21. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 128128: "The Darkness Returns - Part 4"
  22. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 129129: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 1"
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 130130: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 2"
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 131131: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 3"
  25. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 132132: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 4"
  26. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 133133: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 5"
  27. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 134134: "Clash in the Coliseum - Part 6"
  28. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 135135: "Battle for the Bronze - Part 1"
  29. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 136136: "Battle for the Bronze - Part 2"
  30. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 137137: "Battle for the Bronze - Part 3"
  31. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 139139: "The Final Face Off - Part 2"
  32. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 142142: "The Final Face Off - Part 5"
  33. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 143143: "One for the Road"
  34. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 145145: "A New Evil - Part 1"
  35. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 148148: "The Creator Returns"
  36. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 149149: "Deja Duel! - Part 1"
  37. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 150150: "Deja Duel! - Part 2"
  38. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 151151: "An Unexpected Enemy"
  39. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 152152: "My Freaky Valentine - Part 1"
  40. Kazuki Takahashi, Yu-Gi-Oh! creator